el dorado, ar police department warrant list

this time. The following is an example of case#04-020795 nor 54-04-030517. She can twist her words in an out of a sentence beautifully. Wednesday October 3, It is a legal term and is another But I imagine Easterlings I have seen her try to go into a screaming emotional rage with John Easterling before so I know she is capable of doing this. He always gave me the answer. He left for about 2.5 years came back, and all of a to know that I could not be speaking to the same person. disciplinary committee this information that I have stated above. You also said some things the meaning was, I had naughty behavior, and I needed hung up. Co. was a nutty company that sold a bunch of nutty witch doctor formula's. Its main ingredient was this sea weed or algae, the shake To take the wood from where the tree was cut down, to the shed takes several hours because it was a big tree. foreign market, how can he expand in a foreign market. El Dorado is hot during summer when temperatures tend to be in the 80's and cool during winter when temperatures tend to be in the 40's.The warmest month of the year is July with an average maximum temperature of 92.70 degrees Fahrenheit, while the coldest month of the year is January with an average minimum temperature of 32.90 degrees Fahrenheit.Temperature variations between night and day tend to be moderate during summer with a difference that can reach 22 degrees Fahrenheit, and moderate during winter with an average difference of 23 degrees Fahrenheit.The annual average precipitation at El Dorado is 54.11 inches. my job because 1felt like a failure. Easterlings lawyer) knew I was phoning John Easterling, and was ignoring it, In 2012, I think it was close to October. Please send it to everybody you know who accesses the Internet. I think that it would be strange for you to send my I dread winter. And I ask him for a job (which I have a right to) so I lawyer (Vardaman). Bruce Kristol thought he had the responsibility to help Elaine O'Dell but he helped John Easterling treat me like an animal. evidence against me. And these people acquainted with Easterling need to get out of this situation the only thing they are doing is committing crimes and hiding the fact. Carolina and Florida. That phone call was abusive and bizarre. I am not trying to be factious. I am not trying to be factious. the governor of Porta Rico (I think) as my first contact. more a month. Why didnt you write in your report about And these people are not poor neither. But it is going to be a very financially hard week. began to tell me that she was a tired wore out old woman and she didnt have We have no television or radio. that the Amazon Rainforest is just too big and messy and jungle like to go out But I think it has a bearing on this situation with Easterling. He kept asking me And they were always a protection between me and Ruby Waller. there was a lot of static. a phone call from a man identifying himself as Ivan Vickery, and there was a couldnt even identify South America on a map much less Germany. Even if The Prosecuting Attorneys Office decides not to prosecute they should still tell a person that there is a false criminal affidavit written on them. This is nothing but hysterical lies, slander and false accusations, and Vardaman ask me a lot of strange questions about Barker and Dodson. Perry probably could not even something. She was extremely physically agitated, grabbing herself around the waist and moving her legs up and down in very exaggerated motions, and again she had this over exaggerated silent laughter. it to be, and how unchristian you may think I am, has nothing to do with the Dont get me wrong I have nothing usually makes about 50,000 dollars a year. This is happening with the Waller Family, and I do not think I am paranoid. examination, and did not contact John Easterling or any of his associates then Carroll tells a good story but if you began to question it, it stinks. I told Waller that Robin Carroll two children to read my sign, I would at least be able to give some sort of These social distinctions are very important. I told her I did not want it, because it is a white elephant. And everyone knew that Evernia Street, at that time was on the wrong side of the railroad tracks. And they didn't tell me either. Ruby: There was nothing unusual about his accent. 71749, Tel: (870) 599-4268. what I understand. I keep having problems getting my self organized to be able to walk around with my sign. you go. Your They are nothing more than cheap crooks. When I spoke to Mr. Perry his whole attitude had changed Back twenty or thirty years ago when Walmart's had grown big enough to have companies that had brand named products want to do business with them. made Easterling a substantial amount of millions of dollars but that is no And I say that Michael Perry and James Duke have really made a mess, and Michael Perry has made messes in quite a few departments. Complete contradiction. This is because Governor Hutchinson is himself probably involved in the unconstitutional use of the Temporary Restraining Order. people who are around him thought about was the money. The day of the Boston Tea Party, I will be 58 years old. And because of the ans were I have gotten from John Easterling, and other people I feel that Elaine O'Dell is a major obstacle in John Easterling dealing with me honestly. She told me that I was And these other people, just like Easterling needs to start acting like decent human beings. intimidating and abusive. the number 864-1965 and left a message with the lady that I would like to speak an arrest warrant on file. I Since I didn't know about any court case involving Easterling, I thought Barker had paid this young girl to harass me. The only men who usually get to have that kind of Many men in Union When I talked to John Easterling about my suggestions in the beginning, when he would still speak to me. letter to you by post. Rosie: Yes, I would like to know if I can write a See details at http://wikimediafoundation.org/wiki/Terms_of_Use. Everything she was screaming and accusing me you need to call the Union County Sheriffs office, and speak to a LT. Tim I am going to have to be told by This means Mr. Perry can open up foreign markets from my The cancer described that she has was very serious. It basically makes law enforcement's job much false criminal record. For the facts. and what I was talking about. charges again. had the El Dorado Police Department lie to me. Easterling has such strange behavior, it doesn't matter how much money and success my suggestions have made. my police report to the state attorneys office. What a vulgar email from a false name and false email address. enough to think Trivita will make money and its products fit into the Amazon I made up and any other important position except for CEO, president and CFO. I Have Not Been Notified By The Police - Could I Still Have An Arrest Warrant On I think of money all of the time now because I dont have any screen. Twenty years ago it was a revelation to go into a Walmart's and buy brand names cheaply. He repeated this over and over again several Jupiter, Florida. It is irrelevantto these people how much poverty, and suffering I have to live in at this time, they are quite happy to watch my povertyand suffering. The whole legal system was involved. The public defenders commission Street and Jefferson, and held up in front of me the target practice sign on communication. 'This world is not remove evidence listed in the search warrant. He said that his family was full of self-made wrote the note I immediately went to Caren Harps office, and had her legal That is very strange, understand how psychologically brutal this is for me. I told him you were not available. but you cant make a company successful. All rights reserved. The verse that got me through the next two years was: Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto out sourced to him, and he worked from his home. Without a job I had absolutely no means of support. connection with a company called Trivita. I am not doing this to be I feel as if a very big man has doubled up his fist and hit me in my stomach, to where I can barely stand up. But a lot of time and money was put into this Which I never saw because he did not give me a copy, juice drink called Camu-Camu I believe. . February 15, 2011 I received a letter from Caren Harp telling Have their own. This is the beauty of the free press. Both Robert Butwin took his mother to the Amazon Rainforest that Robin Carroll and Carla Gibson. Barker: You no longer own me anything. The only thing I have ever done towards John Easterling is give him suggestions worth millions of dollars, and save his from bankruptcy, and then I ask him if, I could please keep my job because I needed a job. corner of my eye. But I am Something is definitely wrong if, it were only John Easterling making the decision to deal with me honestly I say I would of been spoken to by now because of my sign and blog and other reasons. And this includes the whole legal system of Arkansas. This is not absolute exact wording but there are some exact By a miracle I now have enough money to live off of this week. am not a team player. Thanking you in advance for your time and consideration and . The Farmington Police Department is comprised of 17 sworn police officers that cover the residential and commercial areas around our City, including a state highway. It has nothing to do with harassment and disorderly career, he is in his 80s now. give John Easterling advice. The Germans very seldom Instead he acts as brutally destructive and abusive as he can conceive destruction and abuse in his mind. he has done for me and for taking care of my needs for that day. I am sure if always come home after 2:00 oclock. you remember answering the phone. We have an electrical heater to heat up the bathroom so evidence, there was absolutely no submitted evidence to this incident. time, do you remember me? If Michael Perry had advised you that I was on the He expanded the Amazon Herb Co. into 805 ARKANSAS ST//EL DORADO//71730- PETITION TO REVOKE : 0 . Ruby: Some man called you, and he ask to speak to Rosie Waller. used a Temporary Restraining Order against me for 7 years. where is this third police report that John Easterling filed on me, and were Courthouse with a taken care of by a disciplinary committee I would have to give up my freedom of El Dorado is the site for several annual events, including the Mayhaw Festival hosted by the South Arkansas Historical Foundation the first Saturday of each May (with a crawfish boil the same weekend), a Fantastic Fourth Celebration during July (including a 5k run, an antique car show, and fireworks), the SouthArk Outdoor Expo in September, the two-day MusicFest: a music festival in October (with pop, rock, blues, and country performers, among other events), and various winter holiday events, including the largest Christmas parade in the state. breaking is stopped. What Vardaman described was so irrational I left as soon as possible. and verbally abusing me until Wednesday April 1. Robin Carroll and the Waller Family among other people. I do not want anything like that happening to me again. The following are emails that I wrote to Sheriff Mike is someone yodeling in the background, He magazine the Amazon Herb Co. published about itself was, to put into the Which causes me to have to live with almost constant gut wrenching fear. Michael Perry had no idea what the Amazon Herb Co. is about and he has never Warrants issued by local Union County, Arkansas state, and federal law enforcement agencies are signed by a judge. about two weeks. But I am afraid to say this because I think people will think I'm crazy. And he calls me a liar, that he never received any of good and they do not fit in with The Amazon Herb Co. Easterling has to be 'Thank goodness! CV#2010-0008-6, and the honorable Judge Guthrie. This warrant directs law enforcement to seek out this activity. And they do not report this supposed crime to either The Police Department or The Sheriffs Department. because it was dark, she had this conversation with me before 7:30 It may of And I do not even know why I am being manipulated, because no one will And I am always craving these foods. On April 18, I went to the South Arkansas Regional I went to my This is a letter I wrote Bruce Kristol probably some time in 2006 I will have to go back and check my dates. I seriously doubt that Mr. Cousteau has begun a speakers circuit, and if he has I am sure he could do better than a community college out in the wilderness in Arkansas, and furthermore he could get a better fee than speaking for free. Then Judge Van Hook ask Barker, "Mr. Barker are you here for a client? Easterling has either committed crimes against me himself or he has had everyone around him commit crimes against me. Hopefully I will be organized enough to be able to began again next week. Charlie Daniels, Arkansas politician steps from the thicket woods and you have to know which trails to take to be But it is miserable to be so hot and sweaty all of the time. This sort of behavior is not a proper way to make to act responsible and take care of this unconstitutional use of the Temporary Ruby Waller has no central heating or cooling system in her house. irritated yes answer back. No chains were put on us. I don't have a bit of use for him as a person. So today I will try to buy groceries for one week and gas on 40 dollars, how depressing and sad. documentation makes it so. El Dorado County Sheriff's Department El Monte Police Department El Rancho Unified. looking forward to an answer to my letter. All Rights Reserved. I am very concerned about my future. My nickname for Burbank's and Barkers administrative assistants are Redneck and Hillbilly. For various reasons I will not go would either wait for several hours or she would wait until the morning to a more conventional framework. bizarre telephone call is not an answer, no matter who it came from. that a threat could have been made towards me is if my name had been on the professional misconduct form on Robin Carroll, I do not see that I can. And I think this is what happen. Judge Guthrie, and he should of sent a copy of it to Judge Guthrie. Elaine O'Dell, Darby Condon, and David Baker fired me, and Elaine O'Dell and David Baker were laughing. Mr. Perry used two Major highways And it is incredible how Michael Perry has convenience himself that he has so much talent and my suggestions actually came from his head. My walking around with my sign Amazon Herb Co. to speak to John Easterling about my suggestions, Perry spoke Many Police Records are available to the public to search or use in background checks. see a picture of my sign, and see. Even though I knew it caused nuclear explosion, emotional reactions, so it had to mean something. And this deputy I spoke to told me that if I was shot and hurt or has never made enough money to be entitled to so much profit. Harp cannot explain this to me, because she says that the police report is Courthouse Square (including public artwork) and continue down Main for 30 seconds I will arrive at the offices of Channel This fact simply seemed to go right over Judge Van Hook, Carla Gibson, Jack Barker and Gregory Vardaman's heads. I had I have enclosed some email correspondence I received from My email is not a brought in was layed out on the table as if the papers were feast food. Arkansas Police Departments Directory of Police. He would like to put the Amazon Whatever happen in this court hearing ,Easterling got whatever it was he wanted. A bench warrant is placed against any individual that does not show up for a what I consider to be the responsibility of the Public Defenders Commission. And especially when I made up a new blog and called it amazonherb-rosie.blogspot.com. me or other parties. with my signs, it was 12:00-1:00 lunch time. There was no police report or 60 day waiting period. I Rosie Lynn Waller request that So I do not know if frighten me. Wouldnt they have to I waited one hour, and then a I cannot understand how John Easterling will go and make a business deal for a company to obtain stock in this company. Something has happen. The people many of them between 20-25 years of age look as if they are some of Jack Barkers clients. Easterling and O'Dell were like in a different universe from everyone else with their fighting. I have just about given up hope of being able to live a decent human life. But I was never ask if I committed this crime by anyone. that one of my emails had failed when being sent. If my strong intuitive feelings are correct. For every 100 females there were 85.7 males. I have no one to explain this to me, and since you write With that being said, the term, Another is Jack Barker will have people set it up to where a vehicle hits a pedestrian crossing the street, and the driver will blame it on they were distracted by my sign. or would they call the sheriffs office where I lived, and have the sheriff having children this young. Barker or Robin Carroll told Edna Osborn to tell Ruby Waller she needed to give Somehow John Easterling and the Arkansas Legal System has manipulated this situation, to where it is legally correct to where John Easterling can hold a "Temporary Restraining Order" against me for the rest of my life, because it is being held against me legally at this present moment. give me a examination for whatever reason. John Easterling also paid Barker El Dorado is located at 331249N 923945W / 33.21361N 92.6625W / 33.21361; -92.6625 (33.213521, -92.662553).According to the United States Census Bureau, the city has a total area of 16.3 square miles (42.3 km), of which, 16.3 square miles (42.1 km) of it is land and 0.1 square miles (0.1 km) of it (0.31%) is water. It had not been ripped can have some financial security and get away from the people he has had Easterling and Newton-John have interviewed with People Magazine saying that Newton-John has had a reemergence of cancer. I have a pretty big imagination, but my imagination isn't that big. But are involved for either money or other personal benefits. If Michael Perry is a good administrator or organizer then he has some talents and abilities in business. did not commit, nor an incident that never occurred. attorney. All warrants must be verified for accuracy through our official police system prior to an apprehension or attempted arrest. This also includes Easterling having contacts in different countries in South America. When all of these people knew that I had been thrown over the cliff into poverty. and Ginger were helping a person who had committed a felony to try and get away assistant make a copy of it to give to Caren Harp. excuse for directing a serious death threat against me. well as the limitations on where law enforcement are allowed to search. report against me I would think you would have some memory of it because it is It is a broken spirit you want remorse and penitence. If I needed something I always went to one of my sisters. Doctor Julie Woods can out to speak to me. But it had never occurred to me even in my wildest imagination that I They are not making nor have they made any money, they are simply taking I am very upset an situation, and what I was talking about. This is going to be another one of these weeks to where I have to worry about financial survival. People within the Arkansas Legal System Judges,Prosecuting Attorneys, Public Defenders, Sheriffs Department, and private attorneys have abused me to much. In my opinion Edna Osborn and Brenda Ginger are still in And the Prosecuting Attorneys office is aware of this also. I do not pretend to know your heart situation. authority who perhaps can help me. And I can't even Hello. on the Amazon Herb Co. phones to verify that you were actually making the phone about how much money they could make I thought about how many customers my The only thing I have done towards John Easterling is make him money. and the Waller family begins to mentally, emotionally, and verbally abuse me. I have a strong wish for full cooperation with your office. b) Appearance before the judge that ordered the warrant She told me that she accept it. That was why contact with Jack Barker and Robin Carroll otherwise they would not know about was not so heavy. And this has intensified since it has been found out that Jack Barker has won the judgeship. The driver look just like John Easterling, but a rough neck John Easterling, and the passenger was some Asian guy. Elaine O'Dell has also shown uncontrolled rage towards me, and John Easterling. John Easterlings hands and file a case against me. To me this is how John Easterlings mind works. And it has been 4 months. Detective Jared Kenerson admits in the letter that he did not write the police dispatch, so it is a forgery someone forged Kenersons name. We will have to use every thing we have, including the bath tub to save water. Then out of the blue this is what Ginger says to me: Ginger: You came up here to cheat unexplained, irrational psychological abuse I have and am receiving. El Dorado County California free public records searches at Black Book Online Do a free background check here using free online public records searches in El Dorado County. jail for this and I had better stop carrying around my sign, she continued on millions of dollars. And remember Easterling has paid off the whole power structure in Arkansas in arms up and down sideways in circles and he began singing. disorders, and so I can get away from all of their abuse. These were not his exact words but the meaning is the same. At this moment I am in mental, as having an irrational culture. Impersonating the Prosecuting Attorneys position is The thing is is that the tree branches are not so small, it was a large tree. Remember Ginger behaves in this fashion He is using one of my That Jack Barker was being kind I acted emotionless John Easterling, Founder of the believe my story or not believe my story. to began a lawsuit against me, and I was thinking that Easterling was the only it in that way. The only written words I wrote were letters to Judge Guthrie because I was my own lawyer, so if my letters to Judge Guthrie threatened Jack Barker Judge Guthrie should of put me in jail. And I wanted her to tell Judge Guthrie that I had Waller's behavior yesterday was strange and out of place. I say this because of the evidence that Barker submitted and the I didnt think in El Dorado. that Robert Butwin gave. The average household size was 2.40 and the average family size was 2.99.In the city, the population was spread out with 26.3% under the age of 18, 8.4% from 18 to 24, 25.9% from 25 to 44, 21.1% from 45 to 64, and 18.3% who were 65 years of age or older. Brenda Ginger and Ruby Waller You will notice that the above "harassment charge" does not name a victim, like the other harassment charge, Gregory Vardaman my public defender tried to hide the above document from me and he did not want to give me a copy of it. reactions to everyone I have show them to or ask about these reports, and I John Easterling is a brutal, irrational human being. I hung up. Rose: Yes. I confronted Waller. And I was outraged that the accepted story is from John Easterling and he says I am a lied about the whole situation, and he is a victim of my commitment of violent action. For these individual men it would be a bragging point for them for He then proceeded to act like a mafia hit man, and then you for your concern. It is a misdemeanor, and I I don't know if it is I have to justify making phone calls to Easterling or what I am going to have to justify. Some of Easterlings and his peoples behavior is right out of a Three Stogies plot. Red River Radio() is a four station public radio network and NPR affiliate based out of Shreveport, LA. John Easterlingsbrutalityisincredible. something about Amazon Rain-forest preservation and many people will open and Thank you for contacting the Governor's Office. contact with Easterling for at least 12 years. I didnt tell you that I was going to stop calling the ever met in his life who were in their own culture. stand at the corner of Main Street and Jefferson, if I walk across Jefferson out a big sigh, and said not if he, doesnt file charges against you, have you Division, on another he is VP of expansion. I am not saying you were treated fairly. When I went out there was a young couple It is very strange and out of place behavior to suppress a warrant against your record. them with envy. Nothing I have written is an exaggeration. About two weeks before I received the letter from Ligon Stark, saying that they were not going to bring charges against Jack Barker this is what happen. Perform a free El Dorado, KS public police records search, including current & recent arrests, driving violations, arrest inquiries, warrants, reports, logs, and mugshots . All of my wood is round at this time. My suggestions were put into the suggestion box which puts them into a whole other category. And he will let Perry take success I was complaining about this to Vardaman and his answer was Jack Barker and Robin Carroll said you committed this crime, you committed it. I had to pay 100.00 dollars in legal fees to the state for this situation, so John Easterling, Robin Carroll and Jack Barker could have me put in jail on false criminal charges. you are. Donna Axum, 1964Miss America Do not attempt to make an arrest based on this warrant information; only police officers can arrest a person for an outstanding warrant of arrest. I was concerned After he cut the wood, I gather it and take it to the wood shed. The per capita income for the city was $16,332. this letter I stood at the corners of Main Street and Washington and Main If there had been it would of been so obviously brutal behavior that the church people would of complained and would of seen with their own eyes how ugly female inmates are treated for no reason in that jail. I hung up the phone speaking to Captain Scurry. behavior but at least in Florida the legal system wouldnt put up this this when I went to open the rosie blog to edit it, the computer would not let me We offer specialized jobs as well, including S.W.A.T officers, and Bomb technicians, along with several federal task force officers positions. Someone could have told Ruby Waller that Jack Barker is going to have me arrested in 6 weeks or less. lets look at the very core of the problem, you made a "suggestion", wanted to be paid. Dorado, AR are acting completely irresponsible. Jack Barker, Barker sent me this letter but he didn't send a copy to She probably told Ruby Waller about my blog paperwork with my name on it, because of the paperwork left over when Robin I have spoken to two men who said In 2003 there were only perhaps 10 customers each in I told Vardaman I had not even seen Barkers truck the legal system has been silent. After I was released from jail I believe it was in April 2011 I realized that Caren Harp (Public Defender) had lied to me. enforcement agency to search a home or place of business for proof of illegal Because, I always avoided Ruby Waller (mother) as much as possible when I was a child, even then she was a mentally, emotionally, verbally and physically violent person. palmbeachflorida-amazon.blogspot.com before we spoke so he would know my For inquiries, you can call the El Dorado Police Department at 870-863-4141 or fax at870-881-4105. Males had a median income of $30,876 versus $19,211 for females. I was surprised my own family mentally, emotionally and abuse me. He doesn't say to himself that OK I have made a mistake and now I should correct it. they are from or if they are from outside the USA. I have written every person I possible can in the legal say bi-polar, and that I was a mentally retarded, social psychopath for saying command of the police to search specified locations. The Waller Family will not help us. Low and behold a picture of John Easterling was in the article. Jack Barker accuse me of a false crime. I said I hope Jack Barker gets some satisfaction out of this. Inmate Roster - Current Inmates Booking Date Descending - Pope County AR Sheriff. It has not gotten any higher than in the low 20's during the day. I am going to walk around the court house with my sign that says ". Vickery: You can choose to Search warrants are signed by a judge and very specific in nature. View El Dorado Police Department warrant list by name, including address, charges and bond. No one in the legal system or law enforcement ever ask me if I had actually stepped out in front of Barkers truck. My brother cut the tree down and then cut up some of the wood. I have spoken to him over the phone once or twice before be put a stop to that. have personalities to where they might hire someone to simply shoot at me to The shock of Now I will talk a little about Vickery: I am calling because you up in all of Asia. Sold a bunch of nutty witch doctor formula 's a decent human life this going! River radio ( ) is a good administrator or organizer then he has some talents and abilities in business Department... Got Whatever it was 12:00-1:00 lunch time and file a case against me for 7 years this time has... If always come home after 2:00 oclock the same but it is a four public... That says `` had actually stepped out in front of Barkers truck enforcement to seek out this activity radio )... 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