fun facts about 81

On September 21, Enterprise Radio, an all-sports radio network, went off the air. adds that Gold, copper, brass, and other metals appeared on blouses and skirts. 10. Jupiters moon Ganymede is the largest object in our solar system that has no substantial atmosphere. On January 1, Greece became the 10th country to join the European Economic Community. 37. [1] a heptagonal number. One part was the lander that would be dropped to the surface of Venus to conduct experiments and the other was the bus that would carry the landers and relay data between the landers and Earth as well as conducting other experiments. 5. The most widely accepted explanation within the scientific community is that the Moon was created when a rock the size of Mars slammed into Earth about 4.5 billion years ago. 3. Red Sour Patch Kids are the exact same candy as Swedish Fish, just with some sour sugar sprinkled on them. There's a rare ant breed that can . Want to read more about Jupiter? 4% of the sand on Normandy beach is made up of shrapnel from D-Day that has broken down. On December 23, astronaut Chris Hadfield married Helene Walter. Baby flamingos are born grey, not pink. The most popular sausage meal is currywurst. Though hilarious, we don't recommend it. Popular music artists in the year 1981 included Barbra Streisand, Chaka Khan, Diana Ross, George Benson, Lionel Richie, Olivia Newton-John, Phil Collins, Prince, Sheena Easton, and Smokey Robinson. 34. 9. In mathematics [ edit] 81 is: the square of 9 and the fourth power of 3. a perfect totient number like all powers of three. The first American test-tube baby, is born, Riots break out in a number of UK Cities including Brixton ( London ), Toxteth ( Liverpool ), and Moss Side ( Manchester ), The introduction of the first Frequent Flyer Miles AAdvantage introduced by American Airlines ( frequent flyer miles can be redeemed for free air travel ), Four senior Labour MP'S announce they will breakaway from Labour Party and set up the Social Democratic Party SDP under the leadership of Roy Jenkins, 147 passengers and crew of a Pakistan Airways are taken hostage and released in Syria, Attempted coup in Bangladesh and the President Ziaur Rahman is murdered, Antigua and Barbuda Gains Independence From Great Britain, First Flight of US Space Shuttle Columbia, IBM in US launches it's first PC which uses Microsoft Software MS DOS, The Worlds Fastest Train The French TGV goes into service between Paris and Lyons, China Clones the first fish ( Golden Carp ), Artificially Produced Insulin becomes the worlds first genetically engineered protein to treat human disease Diabetes, Inventions Invented by Inventors and Country ( or attributed to First Use ), Space Shuttle USA Columbia was first reusable space vehicle, Scanning Tunnelling Microscope Switzerland, Australia Prime Minister Malcolm Fraser, China Chairman of the People's Republic of China Post Abolished, France President Valry Giscard d'Estaing Till 21 May, France President Franois Mitterrand From 21 May, Italy Prime Minister Arnaldo Forlani Till 28 June, Italy Prime Minister Giovanni Spadolini From 28 June, Russia / Soviet Union Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars Leonid Brezhnev, South Africa Prime Minister Pieter Willem Botha. Facts About Krypton - Find more facts about the chemical element krypton on the Live Science website. 30. 60. We hold major institutions accountable and expose wrongdoing. Venus spins clockwise. Johnny Mize and Rube Foster were both inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame. 02 Around 88% of the total population in France speak French, with the rest speaking indigenous dialects. 35. They compare the amount of krypton-81 in bubbles in the ice to the amounts in our atmosphere today. 4. In February of 1981 it is announced that the Bavarian State Library in Germany had acquired a previously unknown piece of music written by famed composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Just the Two of Us: Grover Washington Jr. Popular video games in 1981 included the following: Here are some foods and beverages that were popular in 1981: In 1981, Yukon Gold potatoes were introduced. Ronald Reaganthe former movie actor and host of televisions. When I read a startling fact, it is not unusual that I discover a mind-blowing background story behind it. The comedy-driven action/adventure film, created by Steven Spielberg and George Lucas, was the first to feature the character of Indiana Jones. 50. The inflation rate was 10.32%, unemployment peaked at 8.5%, and the average 30-year mortgage rate was 16.63%. Explore these fun facts to learn more about mothers in the U.S. Fun Facts: Exploring the 1950 Census. 75. The piece of music was described as a three-movement symphony in F-Major that had been composed by Mozart at the age of nine while he had been living in London in 1765. While Saturn has long been known for its rings, the ring systems around the gas planets Jupiter, Uranus, and Neptune were first discovered in the 1970s. During the 1981-82 television season, there were six Procter & Gamble (P&G) soap operas that aired on the major TV networks. [3] a tribonacci number. Consumer Guides blog tells us that not every automaker struggled with performance back in the early Eighties. Over 90% of the world's supply of fresh water is located in Antarctica. It may be that the sun rises to a certain point in the sky and then sets back again. A healthy young adult can hear frequencies of up to 20,000 cycles per second. Solar powered lamp with solar cell that can be clipped to the wire frame of the shade. On September 13, television producer Lorne Michaels married model Susan Forristal. On Jupiter the days are shorter than on any other planet in our solar system. Popular Halloween costumes included cabbage patch kids, Pac-man, Barbie, Superman, Star Wars, Michael Jackson, and the Jason Hockey Mask. In 1981, must-have back-to-school supplies included Casio wrist calculators, pencil cases, up-to-the-knee gym socks, manual pencil sharpeners, square metal lunch boxes, and Mead Composition notebooks. 71. There's a town in Poland where everything is decorated with paintings of flowers. 41. 3. Two days later, President Reagan fired 11,345 of them. During that time, a total of 713 games were lost. 11. United States PresidentJimmy Carter Till January 20. Its retail price was $1,565., In 1981, the average credit card interest rate was 17.78%, while the average rate in excess of inflation (real rate) was 7.43%. This TV trivia has been made available courtesy of Nielsen TV Research. 59. They would sleep 3-4 hours, wake up for 2-3 hours to do some type of activity, then go back to sleep until morning. Bolts of lightning can shoot out of an erupting volcano. 126 Amazing Social Media Statistics and Facts A collection of 123 social media statistics and facts looking at the major platforms and how people around the world use them for pleasure and business. 7. 1. Mars is red as its surface contains lots of iron oxide which is also the same compound that gives blood and rust their red tone. 30. This Nobel Prize information from 1981 has been made available courtesy of They are also one of the most feared animals, despite the fact their control of rodents can be a very effective natural balance to limit disease. To answer a "fun facts about me", keep it brief, relevant, and appropriate to the setting. 5 x Fun Facts about Canada and Canadians. Most toilet paper . There's a sexual phenomenon named after President Calvin Coolidge. Brings in cable TV up to 133 channels. On May 16, Martin Chambersa founding member and drummer with the rock band the Pretenderstied the knot with Tracy Atkinson. In 1981, white potatoes cost $1.25 for a ten-pound bag, bread was 59 cents for a 16-ounce loaf, and eggs were 95 cents a dozen. Instead, they sense chemicals, sounds, lights, and more. Here are three trivia facts from the 1964 grocery industry: Bananas were 15 cents a pound, pineapples were 39 cents apiece, and peanut butter cost 99 cents for a three-pound jar. The Egyptian diet of beer, wine, bread and . Mercury is just over a third the size of Earth, making it the smallest planet in the solar system. The voice of Mickey Mouse and the voice of Minnie Mouse got married IRL. 42. In the 1920s, women in several US cities organized Anti-Flirt Clubs in to combat catcalling. 75. 78. 20. [4] an open meandric number. Prior to the 20th century, squirrels were one of America's most popular pets. On Jupiters moon Europa, there is probably an ocean under a thick layer of ice that holds more water than the oceans of the Earth combined. With wind speeds of up to 764 miles per hour (1,230 Kilometers per hour), Neptune has the heaviest storms in the solar system. Here is the big computer story of 1981: The first computer mouse intended for use with a personal computer was unveiled. All major categories of consumer spending, except medical care, registered smaller increases in 1981 than in the previous year.. Saturn releases about twice as much energy as it absorbs from the sun. More than one million planet Earths would fit inside of the sun. There are lower-case numbers in addition to lower-case letters. Over 25% of U.S. adults use LinkedIn. The first person to perform a successful C-section in South Africa was Dr. James Barrya doctor who was actually a woman. In 1965, a patent was filed for a "birthing apparatus" which would spin pregnant women around at as much as 7G until their baby was flung out from the centrifugal force. 39 years has passed too quickly. President Roosevelt made a speech regarding the infamous attack by the Japanese on Pearl Harbor. Egyptian pharaohs were often overweight. Mercury is the fastest planet in the solar system with a speed of 112,000 miles per hour (180,000 kilometers per hour). How much did a computer cost in 1981? On October 29, Bill Giles became the CEO of the Philadelphia Phillies. The purpose of the mission was to test the stability of the new spacecraft and to safely launch the vehicle into space and return it to Earth so that the craft was reusable. UK privatisation of Nationalised Industries, Rupert Murdoch shuts down the Sunday Times. We know this question is tough because of how open-ended it is. The Pope survived the attack but sustained gunshot wounds to his left hand, right arm, and abdomen. On June 5, the AIDS epidemic officially began when the U.S. Centers for Disease Control reported that five homosexual men in Los Angeles were being treated for pneumocystis pneumonia. 27. German. 6. Love Island's David on who is playing a game. We know Hamilton was born on January 11; what's in doubt is the year he was born . In 1981, Sloppy Joes were real crowd-pleasers. Shiny vinyl bean bags. We also published a bunch of books containing our most astonishing fun facts so have a look if you are interested. remarks that In Mountain Home, Idaho, Virginia Campbell took her coupons and rebates and bought $26,460 worth of groceries. . On November 16, Luke and Laura tied the knot on the soap. Germans are worldwide known as sausage lovers. On November 12, Billy Martin (Oakland As) was named the American Leagues Manager of the Year. 51. Use this to your advantage. 14. The Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg, Russia, has so many cats on its grounds that it employs a "Press Secretary to the Cats.". 43. Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system. HubPages is a registered trademark of The Arena Platform, Inc. Other product and company names shown may be trademarks of their respective owners. Cornflakes were invented to prevent masturbation. 4. This movie trivia has been made available courtesy of It's the only planet that does! 19. This article teaches you fun facts, trivia, and history events from the year 1981. 37. White potatoes cost $1.25 for a ten-pound bag, bread was 59 cents for a 16-ounce loaf, and eggs were 95 cents a dozen. The diameter of our solar system is about 287.46 trillion kilometers. 10. Must-have back-to-school supplies included the Trapper Keeper, Casio wrist calculators, pencil cases, up-to-the-knee gym socks, manual pencil sharpeners, square metal lunch boxes, glue in a jar, and Mead Composition notebooks. 21. 1. Every year on Aug. 5, the Mars Curiosity rover sings itself a sad, solitary "Happy Birthday.". 47. Check out our Jupiter facts! 9. 46 is a centered triangular number. She had previously held positions as an Arizona state senator (1969 - 1975), Superior Court judge for Maricopa County (1975 - 1979), and a judge on the Arizona Court of Appeals (1979 - 1981). Irish Republican Army member Bobby Sands dies on May 5th while on the hunger strike, During that time Bobby Sands is elected to Westminster as the MP for Fermanagh and South Tyrone. Hence, wetting their paws can help on a hot summer day. 6. 3. Weddings & Divorces. 7. 56. Jupiter is second with 79 moons. When dogs howl at each other, they adjust the pitch of the howl to sound more unique. On May 8, author John Grisham married Renee Jones. 20. 1. 52. Her eventual lawsuit led to the desegregation of New York's public transit system. Whether the laureate is an internationally known figure (such as Mother Teresa) or a scientist from obscurity (like Richard R. Ernst), the award brings worldwide recognition that highlights one's life work and provides the funds to continue the mission. On January 24, singer Davy Jones married Anita Pollinger. 36. In 1726 Jonathan Swift wrote in his book Gullivers Travels about the two moons of Mars 151 years before they were even discovered. Here are 19 fun facts you might not have known about the number 19. to bring these factoids to you every new year. (Just Like) Starting Over: John Lennon, 7. There's a high school in Minnesota that gives service dogs yearbook photos. On September 15, professional boxer George Foreman wed Sharon Goodson. 71. 2. Black taffeta skirt made with woven polyester. This would require about 70 times its mass. Sharing stories builds a connection, our shared humanity, and in this case hopefully some joy and a surprise. Afterwards the sun can rise again on the same Mercury day. 69. But there's you don't have to have a use for this little tidbits of mind-blowing information to make knowing them worthwhile. Hamsters run up to 8 miles at night on a wheel. If you consider the interesting facts we already found on earth, you get an impression of what can be discovered in the whole solar system. German chocolate cake is named after a guy named Sam German, not the country. 2. This book trivia has been made available courtesy of The Space Shuttle Columbia successfully carried two astronauts, Robert Crippen and John Young, into space to complete the inaugural flight of the Space Shuttle program. [5] In Churchill Manitoba Nobody Locks Their Doors - In the far north town of Churchill, Manitoba nobody locks their doors to their house or cars in case of a polar bear attack. 33. The temperatures on mercurys surface can vary between -279 degrees Fahrenheit (-173 degrees Celsius) at night and 801 degrees Fahrenheit (427 degrees Celsius) during the day. Greece has both a Prime Minister and President - The president of Greece has mostly a ceremonial role, but he does appoint the Prime Minister of Greece. The last letter added to the English alphabet wasn't Z it was the letter J. However, its smallest distance from the sun is actually less than that of Neptune. On June 14, novelist Danielle Steel wed John Traina. I joined Only Fun Facts at the beginning of 2020. Thats what I love to share with you, and I hope that you enjoy our findings. Kiss On My List: Daryl Hall and John Oates, 11. Toilet seat covers are basically pointless. 66. ), On June 12, baseball players began a 50-day strike that ended on July 31. The Mother's Day Fun Facts offers interesting data related to the holiday. 74. A waterfall in Hawaii goes up sometimes instead of down. Let's find out. During that time, a total of 713 games were lost. 6. Susan Powell (Elk City, OK) won the Miss America crown. Kleenex facial tissue was 69 cents for a 200-count box, and Scott toilet tissue cost $1.00 for three 1,000-sheet rolls. 20. The first London Marathon is held in March of 1981. With more than 110 thousand followers on Instagram, "Einstein Fact" makes sure that our brains are fed with some fresh information about the world we live in. 74. 18. This content is accurate and true to the best of the authors knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional. It preyed upon fish, whales, dolphins, seals, and other marine animals. . In 1981, the USDA announced that ketchup could now be counted as a vegetable in the school lunch program. Fun Cloud Computing Facts. There are many more awesome facts about venus. 12. To broaden your knowledge about the world we live in, Bored Panda has put together a list of amazing facts you probably didn't know. remarks that A gradual loosening of monetary policy as well as the stimulative effects of tax cuts and defense spending increases promoted a sustained yet uneven recovery., In December 1981, the unemployment rate was 8.5%. Ketchup was sold as medicine in the 1830s. It was used for important purposes long before it was formally discovered. 16. Find out about popular TV shows and movies, best-selling books, food and fashion trends, sports facts, pop music artists and songs, famous birthdays, economic and tech news, as well as unusual news events to get the right mix of questions and answers for your 1980s-themed trivia quiz. This led to a revision of the planet definition, which then no longer applied to Pluto. On January 2, the prime rate was 20.50%; by December 3, the rate had fallen to 15.75%. They don't work like human noses do, exactly. 29. 60. Richard Nixon once smuggled a suitcase full of weed through the airport for Louis Armstrong. The sun is an object that is so impressive that we really had to research more facts about the sun. We can tell you much more about the planet that is famous for its beautiful rings have a look at our facts about Saturn. One of the reasons for this is the high rotational speed of the planet. 36. 18. Family members of World War II hero Doris "Dorie" Miller react after the unveiling of the future Ford-class aircraft carrier USS Doris Miller (CVN 81) at a Martin Luther King Jr. Day celebration event on Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam. Here are the fastest accelerating cars of 1981, as tested by Consumer Guide. On November 26, jazz trumpeter Miles Davis wed actress Cicely Tyson. On September 21, Belize (British Honduras) gained its independence from the UK. Presidents Adams and Jefferson also died the same year, 1826; President. 5. Fun Ontario Facts about Cities and Towns There's a town in Ontario called "Swastika". Paper bags aren't any better for the environment than plastic ones. "What in tarnation?" From July 1981 to November 1982, the U.S. economy experienced the most significant recession since the Great Depression. This is a great collection of facts. On May 25, Carl Yastrzemski (Boston Red Sox) became the fourth MLB player to play 3,000 games. Because scientists assumed that in the future further planets of this size could be discovered. Morning Train (Nine to Five): Sheena Easton, 16. More important, however, were Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volckers efforts to tame inflation through restrictive monetary policy, which had the expected effect of dampening economic growth. This handout offers a range of statistics about American life in the 1950s. The largest known prime number has 17,425,170 digits. In 2010, Agca was released from prison. reports that The economy officially entered a recession in the third quarter of 1981, as high interest rates put pressure on sectors of the economy reliant on borrowing, like manufacturing and construction. Those named after characters from Shakespeare include Titania, Oberon and Puck from A Midsummer Nights Dream and Ariel and Miranda from The Tempest. US residents can opt out of "sales" of personal data. 79. Here is the big computer story of 1981: The first computer mouse intended for use with a personal computer was unveiled with the Xerox Star workstation. 10. On March 11, Johnny Mize and Rube Foster were both elected to the Baseball Hall of Fame. Every little detail sounds so unbelievable that it is hard to imagine that link to 43 impressive facts about Elon Musk. Its diameter is only five percent smaller, its mass deviates downwards by 19 percent and its gravity is 90 percent of the Earths gravity. People wore fake moles (or "beauty patches") made of velvet, silk, or mouse skin in the 18th century as a fashion statement. We had the swastika first". 2. Your nose may not grow like Pinocchio's, but it does get warmer when you tell a lie. 26. 49% of Americans start their day with cereal. While some components are only as large as grains of sand, others are up to more than half a mile (one kilometer) in diameter. Reporting on what you care about. explains that pop culture is that loose blend of books, music, fashion and other daily ephemera that contributes to the identity of a society at a particular point in time. 41. It left a Texas-sized crater the Caloris Basin. Weighing in at 0.05 to 0.07 ounces, with a head-to-body length of 1.14 to 1.29 inches and a wingspan of 5.1 to 5.7 inches, the bumblebee . On September 30, the International Olympic Committee chose Seoul, South Korea as the host of the 1988 Summer Olympic Games. Dogs have sweat glands at the bottom of their paws (the paw pads). [5] 03 As of 2019, there are an estimated 66.99 million people in France. It is 950 miles (1,525 kilometers) wide. Almost as many people were killed by guillotine in Nazi Germany as in the French Revolution. tells us that On August 12, 1981, IBM joined the computer race when it introduced the IBM 5150 PC. . A "buttload" is a real measurement of weight. 2. On August 3, 13,000 members of the Professional Air Traffic Controllers Organization (PATCO)one of the few unions that endorsed Reagan during the election of 1980walked off the job over better pay and working conditions. Forrest Fenn, an art dealer and author hid a treasure chest in the Rocky Mountains worth over 1 million dollars. On January 25Super Bowl Sundayactor Bill Murray wed Margaret Kelly. The military leaders of Poland declare a state of emergency and place the nation under martial law, President Ronald Reagan appointed Sandra Day O'Connor to the US Supreme Court, The popular film Raiders of the Lost Ark makes its debut, The first DeLorean DMC-12 futuristic sports car were produced, The first London Marathon is held in March of 1981, Iran releases 52 American hostages, who had been held for 444 days. 80. Anxious travelers can play with mini horses at a Kentucky airport. Sandra Day O'Connor became the first woman to serve on the U.S. Supreme Court. Movies have to clarify that they're fiction because of a 1930s lawsuit that traces back to none other than Rasputin. Since Mercury is already visible to the naked eye during twilight, it is not clear who first discovered the planet. The owners wanted a system in which they got a player of similar value for each they lost in free agency. 11. Lean Cuisine frozen dinners, Yukon Gold potatoes, Birds Eye potato waffles, and Jell-O Pudding Pops were all introduced into the marketplace. Each year in China is represented by an animal - the rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, rooster, dog and pig. Why a campaign to rename smear tests was rejected. Take a good look through our fun facts about Franklin D. Roosevelt, and clue up on one of the US' most iconic leaders. Neptune is 2.8 billion miles (4.5 billion kilometers) from the sun. Scientists believe it may even contain microbes. link to Who was Gregor MacGregor, Prince of Poyais? 51. For a brief time, Melbourne had the best name on the planet: Batmania. It took the Voyager 2 spacecraft twelve years to reach the planet. Random fun facts are great for breaking the ice, impressing a date, and winning a pub quiz. She was replaced by Justice Samuel Alito in January 31 News Events of 2006. When Pluto has circled the sun once, 1.028 years have passed on Mercury. The front closure is contrasted with black buttons. One teaspoon of a neutron star would weigh six billion tons. The asteroid belt between Jupiter and Mars is estimated to contain up to 1.9 million asteroids with a diameter of more than 0.6 miles (one kilometre) orbiting the Sun. On October 1, Salomon Brothers, the largest private investment bank in the US, was sold to the Phibro Corporation for $483 million. On June 4, Paige Pipkin won the 54th National Spelling Bee by spelling the word sarcophagus.. 66. 81 (eighty-one) is the natural number following 80 and preceding 82. 2. You will see that only a couple of American brands muscled their way onto the list, primarily because both of them make use of low gearing, four-barrel carbs, and fairly modest curb weights.. This article teaches you fun facts, trivia, and history events from the year 1980. 21. Beth Rowen tells us that winning a Nobel Prize is a life-changing honor. 38. This is only possible because the planet rotates three times while circling the sun twice. 4. 81. I was a Dallas watcher too! The craft stopped communicating results in March of 1983. Even the asteroid Ida, which is only 32 kilometers in size, has the moon Dactyl, which has a diameter of one kilometer. The creature that kills the most people every year isn't snakes, sharks, or even other humans it's the mosquito. Cows have "best friends" and get stressed when separated. Also centered octagonal numbers", "Sloane's A005316: Meandric numbers: number of ways a river can cross a road n times", "Sloane's A005282: Mian-Chowla sequence", "Despite Outlaw Image, Hells Angels Sue Often",, one of three non-trivial numbers (the other two are, "+81" is a song by Japanese metalcore band. 58. 24. Accessories such as handbags, shoes, and belts sparkled. Krypton-81 can be used to determine the age of ice in Antarctica. Sonic the Hedgehog's full name is Ogilvie Maurice Hedgehog. United States PresidentRonald Reagan From January 20, United Kingdom Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, Copyright 2022 All Rights Reserved Copyright 2022, More Information for the Charles and Diana Royal Wedding. On January 19, the United States and Iran signed an agreement to free 52 American hostages. 10. 2. Al Wasl means connection and was Dubai's historic name 22. [23] While they are hibernating, bears do not urinate. A cat co-authored a physics paper in 1975. The authoritarian-led government claimed that the crackdown was necessary to prevent a civil war, but it was more likely used as a means to crush political opposition coming from the Solidarity movement. It covers a total of 438 hectares 19. 55. What happened in 1981 Major News Stories include The Aids Virus Identified, Iran Hostage Crisis Ends, Yorkshire Ripper is caught, Post It Notes launched, Riots UK Cities, Anwar Sadat assassinated. They had agreed to represent him at the funeral of Egyptian President Anwar Sadat, who had been assassinated in Cairo on October 6.. Here are seven facts every American should know about this American icon. European brands, being early adopters of fuel injection and turbocharging, found themselves among the acceleration leaders of the era. Credit must also be given to the lighter weight of most German and Swedish cars in comparison to their American counterparts. 46 is an enneagonal number. ", On March 2, American astronomer Schelte J. 1. What do PayPal, SpaceX, Tesla, The Boring Company, and Tesla Energy have in common? It takes a sloth two to four weeks to digest food. For a rotation around its own axis, the giant needs only ten hours. (For the week ending April 30, 2020, mortgage rates reached a historic low of 3.23%.). 64. Pepsi cost $1.39 for a two-liter bottle, Pillsbury flour was 89 cents for a five-pound bag, and three pounds of bananas were $1.00. 47. 49. The world's first landing pad for UFOs was built in St Paul, Alberta. 81 Fun Facts That'll Make Everyone You Know Say "I Never Knew That!" The voice of Mickey Mouse and the voice of Minnie Mouse got married in real life! Many of these companies have changed names over this period, owing to mergers, acquisitions, and bankruptcies. Some great examples include talking about your travel dreams, personal hobbies, or favorite types of food. However, the temperature on the surface of the Sun is only 10,112 degrees Fahrenheit (5,600 degrees Celsius). For example, did you know that a day on venus is longer than a year? 22. The average millionaire goes bankrupt at least 3.5 times. 22. Our solar system is estimated to be 4.6 billion years old. 46 is the sum of the totient function for the first twelve integers. 4 out of 5 members drive business decisions on LinkedIn. 1. Here is a sneak preview of what this article is about: Here are three trivia facts from the 1981 grocery industry: Hersheys chocolate syrup cost 69 cents for a 16-ounce can, Lipton tea bags were $1.69 for a 100-count box, and Kraft grape jelly was 99 cents for a 32-ounce jar. The number 8 denotes financial and professional success, and the moment it starts showing up in your life, you will start experiencing positive developments in your career prospects. 80. 81. This was also the first year that the Word Internet was mentioned and MS-DOS was released by Microsoft along with the first IBM PC. : the first computer Mouse intended for use with a personal computer was.! 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