lilo and stitch experiments database

The Movie. A person hit with 285's ray will relax, and even a machine hit with the ray will shut down. In Stitch! Seen in pod form in Stitch! A blue experiment shaped like a four-legged washing machine. In the group photo taken at the end of. Designed to make you sick with her obnoxious fumes. Designed to destroy machinery by going inside and cutting the mechanism and electrical wiring. A small purple experiment with a white lower jaw and chest, three wobbly legs, two stubby little arms and two floppy antennae with two rings on each antenna. He is seen in the episode "Finder" playing poker with Stitch, Yin, Yang and Richter and at Lilo's slumber party in the episode "Dupe" with Yang, Yin, and Richter. Was rescued in "Snafu.". Number used for Skip in "The Origin of Stitch". Designed to have his body fold up into his head and then launch over high walls by. Designed to perform work such as carrying objects on his back. He is named after Harry Houdini. Seen in pod form in Stitch Speed Chase on the Disney Site. The Movie. After naming him "Leroy", Dr. Hmsterviel used a cloning machine to create an army, then sent the original Leroy down to Earth to capture the 624 experiments remaining there. He is named after the Richter scale, and his one true place is making milkshakes. Note: Finder is called 458 in his episode but on the Disney website, and in Skip's episode, he is called 158. A brown experiment with four arms and a yellow top. He takes the pictures with his "nose" and develops the pictures like a Polaroid camera with the pictures coming out of his mouth. Her one true place is with. Designed to tenderize heat up Jumba's meat. Designed to make heat waves when he flies. Designed to hypnotize anyone into obeying the next command that person hears. The Movie, Beach Treasure. Designed to make you feel so guilty, you confess everything bad youve ever done. The Movie and used for Yin in "The Origin of Stitch". An orange and tan koala-like experiment with a white face, a wide mouth, red nose, black eyes, yellow-tipped antennae that mix with thin rabbit-like ears, and a functioning blow-horn for a tail (reminiscent of Harpo Marx's trademark horn) which he squeaks instead of speaking. Designed to erase people's memory by zapping a red laser vision in their eyes. Designed to used his scales on his back as an escalator. His one true place is helping arguing couples bungee jump. Seen in pod form in Stitch Speed Chase on the Disney Site. Designed to revert objects to their Middle Age equivalents. Designed to burn bagels. He is in some Disney Adventure comics (the ones were Jumba is creating Stitch). His one true place is as a greeter for trick-or-treaters during Halloween, and at an old house believed to be haunted during the rest of the year. The first digit of the experiment numbers reflect what series of experiment they belong to. into thinking that Jumba was still evil. Designed to to annoy you by repeatedly ringing his bell. Lilo And Stitch Experiments Illegal Database Tigger Blankets Disney Characters Fictional Characters Crochet Dunk, A.K.A. All text, audio, and images are the intellectual property of The Walt Disney Company. A small blue-green gastropod-like experiment with a small pouch, black beady eyes, green crab-like claws, and two spinning sweeper brushes for feet. In the episode he is referred to as 515 which is a number taken by Deforestator who as well appears in that episode. Seen in pod form in Pod Puzzles. Designed to break violation of a presumptive social contract, and deliberate collusion to lose a contest of some kind. The two then attempt to rehabilitate the experiments and find a purpose for them on Earth that suits their specific abilities, referred to as the "one true place" they belong. Designed to to restart games all the way backto the beginning and he also breaks their video game system. It is possible that the . Number mentioned on the experiment pod container in Stitch! All of Jumba's original 626 experiments have their names and numbers listed alongside the credits in Leroy & Stitch. A blue female octopus/living waterhose-like experiment. He can serve as a universal remote to cause havoc by shutting down TVs. Lilo & Stitch: The Series is the animated television spinoff of the feature film, Lilo & Stitch and the follow-up to Stitch! He can be seen in Disney Adventure Comics. Designed to make people ugly. Seen in pod form in "Houdini". However, in the battle between the Leroy army and the experiments at the end of. Welcome to Experiment Databank. Designed to undo the works of 336 and 410. The Movie. A small red dragon-like experiment with small bat-like wings, a reptilian head with thin pointed ears, black eyes and a thin body. Seen in pod form in Stitch! A tan naked mole rat-like experiment with four spines on his back. Number used for Shredder in "The Origin of Stitch". Designed to wilt plants by licking them with his long tongue with plant killing saliva. The Movie. Designed to sprout into an uncontrollable forest of destruction. Seen in pod form in Pod Squad. The Movie. He is voiced by Jeff Bennett. The effect can be undone by snapping one's fingers. Seen in pod form in Stitch!. A pink/purple hummingbird-like experiment. Topper is given to a little girl as a Christmas present, then placed atop the local Christmas tree and emits a light so bright that aliens from other galaxies can see him from Earth. Designed to irritate people with his constant snoring. Designed to possess inanimate objects and bring them to life. Designed to be a living boomerang. Designed to eat up fish and cause a fish famine. Designed to eat all bugs up to make the bug population decrease. A blue, koala-like experiment with large rabbit-like ears, a wide mouth, a round nose, black eyes, a small, short, stubby tail, two nose wrinkles, one chin wrinkle, three tuffs of sharp hair on top of his head and on his chest as well as two extra, retractable arms, three retractable spines that run down his back (the first spine is the shortest, then longest, then medium), sharp retractable claws on his front and back paws and two retractable antennae on his head. Designed to have all the powers of Stitch, but is a klutz who accidentally bumps into everything. Seen in pod form in Stitch! His eyes are sensitive to intense light (i.e. She is designed to turn people and experiments from good to evil by singing a siren song containing a special musical neuro-linguistic behavioral . His one true place is as an amusement park ride. Designed to improve Jumba's TV reception. This is a list of experiments from the Disney animated Lilo & Stitch franchise, most of them making their first appearance in Lilo & Stitch: The Series. Leroy is very physical, but also makes liberal use of his plasma gun. A small white and brown experiment with a curved head and lightweight body. It would be bulky and cause un dodge able quakes that required you to jump in the air to avoid the shockwave and vibration. Designed to study past events and, like Snafu, foil enemy plans by any possible means, but he is smarter and can jump higher than him. This experiment's name is a hidden joke: Dyslexia read by a dyslexic person. Designed to put people to sleep by bleating, although the effect is near permanent. Designed to disable power grids and electrical generators by consuming their energy. Number used for Woops in "The Origin of Stitch". Designed to be a beacon to signal the alien attack fleet, but the official Disney website states his purpose is to keep people awake with his bright light. The Movie. Supposed to be designed to have all of the elemental powers, but Jumba accidentally knocked some extra DNA into the mix and now no ones sure what he does. Pod says 277 instead of 077. Designed to dye your hair blond. Seen in pod form in. Instead, he only talked about useless information and revealed secrets about Gantu to 625. Seen in pod form in Beach Treasure. His partner is 243. A dark-green, seahorse-like experiment with lips shaped like a donut. Designed to decorate for the holidays so Jumba doesn't have to. Seen in pod form in Stitch! Designed to run around and pinches things with his four pincers. Yin was activated with Yang. The bigger the lie, the louder he beeps, and the brighter the pattern lights up. Designed to make people married after one day, she can even turn you into an adult. He can be switched from bad luck to good luck by flipping his horseshoe. Though all experiments have unique capabilities and functions, most of them have some abilities in common due to Jumba reusing DNA from one experiment as a prototype for a different experiment, like the similarities of body shape, appearance, and even for powers like in the case of Jumba reusing some of Twang (021)'s DNA in the creation of Bragg(145), granting the latter musical ability. In this episode, Jumba erroneously refers to him as "515". Seen in pod form in Pod Puzzles. Seen in pod form in Stitch! A green blob-like experiment with olive green eyes, a wide mouth and three round, short, stubby spikes on his back, greatly resembling the other Disney (and Halloween based) character Oogie Boogie. Designed to eat all the chocolate 052 made. Designed to warp you into the future. Lilo put Stitch to sleep with 360 in order to release PJ (133), but Stitch managed to wake up on his own. Number used for Cannonball in "The Origin of Stitch". Designed to make you talk like a gangster. The Movie. His one true place is with Mrs. Hasagawa as one of her "cats.". A red male weasel/lizard/dragon-like experiment. Originally designed to destroy enemy projectiles and rip through all engines however he has stubby claws and is deamed by Jumba as a failure. Finder was mistakenly called 458 in his episode. Designed to turn people into crabs and other seashore invertebrates. Designed to sell you things at high prices. Seen in pod form in Pod Puzzles. However, he has no evil function because Jumba only made him to serve him delicious ice cream while he was working. Designed to possess any other living being. RELATED: Disney: 10 Things That Don't Make Sense About Lilo & Stitch Leroy & Stitch: 125: Gibberish: Leroy & Stitch . Designed to become an incredibly attractive male of any species and use that to sway women away from their previous relationships.Number is used for Backhoe in "The Origin of Stitch". Designed to enter a sleeping person's head and turn dreams into nightmares. Designed to have all of Stitch's powers, but he also has the ability to disguise himself as Stitch by changing his fur color from red to blue (Dr. Hmsterviel hates the color blue, so he told Jumba to make him resplendent red to match his cape) and instantly regrow his fur. A bright orange koala-like experiment with a wide mouth, a big round nose which functions as a microphone, black pupil-less eyes, and big round ears resembling speakers. Number used for Poki in "The Origin of Stitch". Seen in pod form in Stitch! His one true place is sitting over a dunk tank where he provokes people to try and dunk him. Stitch runs into a beautiful female experiment and falls in love with her, but Lilo is suspicious of this one. He is voiced by Will Sasso. Seen in pod form in Stitch! Most seem capable of scaling walls like a gecko (as Stitch frequently does); many are able to grow and retract an extra pair of arms. The Movie. 207, Leroy & Stitch 030 Vialet Leroy & Stitch 031 Gotchu An orange lobster-like experiment who runs around and pinches things with his four pincers. The Movie. Designed to generate clones with the appendage on his head; however, the traits of the cloned object become divided among the original and the clones; in other words, each duplicate is not as powerful as the original. Designed to be a living black hole that sucks you up and takes you to the past. Designed to make people puff up like a balloon. A two-headed, four-armed green lizard-like experiment. A small blue experiment with a forkpitch-shaped head with an upside-down arrow-shaped mark on her forehead, a small body, thin arms and a small lion-like tail and that looks like a cross between Holio and Heat. Number mentioned on the Experiment pod container in "Sample". His one true place is as a coaching assistant for Little League baseball. The two then attempt to rehabilitate the experiments and find a purpose for them on Earth that suits their specific abilities, referred to as the "one true place" they belong. He was mentioned in "Link" when Reuben was searching the experiment database. Designed to clog up drains with his hair, as Reuben implied. Seen in pod form in Stitch! When Lilo decided to step down, Gantu took Checkers and was in power until Stitch gathered several experiments to help overthrow him. However, Stitch's dedication to her wins her heart . 666,better known by his nickname "Doomsday" is the 666th experiment. Designed to block out all sun light on planets, causing all sorts of problems. Designed to be a train. The Movie. Seen in pod form in Stitch!. Designed to drill holes through planets. He has one fatal error: he has no evil function and is a failed experiment that is pure good. Designed to eat every food in sight so the food's owner can't get a bite. A pink weasel-like experiment with large ears and a speaker at the end of her tail. Number used for 627 in "The Origin of Stitch". Originally an ugly, green ogre-like experiment designed to annoy people by telling tall tales. Seen in pod form in "Drowsy". A small purple, roughly slug-likeexperiment with a slim body, a wide mouth, two eyes on two stocks, six spiky mace-like tentacles and three short legs. Designed to shoot fiery red plasma blasts from his nose, as well as being able to see in the dark, and climb on walls and ceilings. He is the first prototype of Stitch and is a massive failure. Designed to make you panic over anything. Stitch was able to defeat 627 by making a fool of himself during the battle and using the latter's abnormally large sense of humor against him. When a lie is told, he beeps loudly and the pattern on his forehead lights up. Brusselsprouts are his one weakness. Number used for Hocker in "The Origin of Stitch". Designed to be a bug catcher in order to make the natural order become chaos. Seen in pod form in Stitch! Seen in pod form Stitch! Designed to tear up the ground beneath his feet. Seen in pod form in Pod Puzzles. Seen in pod form in "627". The continuing adventures of Lilo . A round orange armadillo/bulldog-like experiment with thick legs, sharp teeth, and a short tail. Initially, Stitch was just an alien creature who crash-landed in a forest on Earth. She behaves like a typical "good dog": does tricks, licks her owner's face, fetches the morning paper, etc. Number mentioned on the experiment pod container in "Amnesio". He also have a type of Alien-like outstretchable mouth. His one true place is raining on Mrs. Hasagawa's fruit, thus keeping them fresh longer. Her one true place is cutting hair at the beauty salon. Her one true place is helping people reach high places. The Movie. Seen in pod form in Stitch!. 110,213, Leroy & Stitch, Stitch! Designed to leave you on hold forever. Designed to play practical jokes on people, hence his name P(ractical) J(oker). Designed to pull plugs out of their sockets. Designed to foil enemy plans by any possible means. The Movie. Seen in pod form in Beach Treasure. A small gray and white mustached experiment with four arms with three fingers on each hand, black eyes, a round nose, a little mouth, short ears, a chef's hat, and a spatula for a tail. Designed to do amazing things. In his episode, he switches Lilo with Stitch, Jumba with Pleakley, Hamsterviel with Gantu, and eventually switches all four protagonists' minds before back into their original bodies. Designed to release carbon monoxide to poison the air. Seen in pod form in Stitch!. Designed to trip people. Lilo & Stitch Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. Seen in pod form in Stitch! Designed to make different kinds of burgers. Seen in pod form in Stitch!. Designed to be so cute that anyone who sees him will do whatever he says. The Movie. 7.3 (76) Rate. Designed to break people's spines. The Movie, the container was accidentally opened and the pods rained down on the island of Kauai. This experiment can be seen in the Disney Adventures comics. Designed to cause vicious, Earth-shattering earthquakes with one thump of his tail. The Movie ,220a, Leroy & Stitch,Stitch! Her one true place is creating winds for windsurfers on the beach. Designed to split a person in two opposing directions. The Movie. Number mentioned on the experiment pod container in "Houdini". Designed to follow her enemy to it's secret hiding place. Designed to be a bigger, better version of Comet (503). A blue dinosaur-like experiment with short forearms and a thick tail and legs. 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