neptune conjunct descendant transit

This transit tends to attract psychic vampires, thieves and an assortment of other scoundrels. It takes about 4 days for the effects to kick in but Clematis grounded me and it has allowed me to feel very normal. Neptune transits to Venus stimulate your desires to share pleasures with significant others and with friends in perhaps unusual or especially sensitive ways. In Vienna, I met with Jindra and her friend, Martin, and I connected with an Austrian woman, Ingrid Petroff, who I had briefly met in Chicago. IDK, play deaf? Years ago, I was advised not to renovate my home under a Neptune transit as it will make me feel more disconnected and ungrounded. Her second husband was an alcoholic and was so good at gaslighting she didnt know what to believe after a while. are places and times ruled by Neptune. It dances with the old messages from childhood. I'm thrilled to launch my new book, "Astrology. When I returned home, I was alone. Youve written quite a bit about your Neptune at the midheaven. This made me feel more disconnected because I regained some of the weight that I lost during the trip. For the blood pressure, it relaxes the blood vessels. I always felt that I could be abandoned by school mates at any moment. When transiting Neptune is conjunct your natal Neptune: This transit does not happen in the lives of most people. What does Mercury rule in your chart? The fog made it impossible! Ask me Do you think 2H transit could make my mind more clear and get me much more active in life? This is an excellent resource for outer planet transits: Jupiter through Pluto. Ive played both. When Neptune was in my 5th house I picked all the wrong partners. After all, its about giving structure to the nebulous. I have focused on water filtration for that time as well. I have personally observed that, during a Neptune transit, the etheric web thins so there is a very tenuous veil between the physical world and the astral world. and I dont know what to do anymore, especially the Last 6th months things become worse I lack energy, concentration, memory, i have episodes that i feel so so sick that I am fearing i am going to die. He had transiting Neptune conjunct his 7th cusp (the public) during 2001-2002, representing shared vision of anger and grief expressed to the public. It has set a standard in my relationships by which I can never settle for less. But, lately I get to thinking that with Neptune on the Descendant I am one of those people who absorbs other peoples energy. Hi:) I have Neptun exactly on DSC, and it is actually a reason I started to believe in Astrology first place, since I adore water and spend huge amount of time swimming and snurkling.Yes I feel everyones everything, and have strong impression that everyone is wonderful on some level, but l think that it is great about me. Neptune transits conjunct Mercury Your thinking process becomes more animated, imaginative, and spirited during this transit. The other symptoms are connected with Leaky Gut Syndrome. One partner may be weak, vague, gullible, too sweet and innocent, or willing to turn a blind eye to character faults and deception. Strange, unusual, even obsessive, feelings grip you now. Neptune has been floating around my descendant for years. I returned telephone calls to people who had left messages. You could get the wrong idea, develop false ideals, and let your imagination carry you away to the point that those who support and care for you are neglected or hurt. Creativity runs high now. On the exact date of this transit, my then-husband and I were signing a contract to move into our new home with our two small daughters AND I sold my first novel, thereby beginning a new career in addition to my existing career with the Department of Defense. Some measure of caution is advised. You can come to clarity in many ways by this dialoguing with the sea of the Immune System. Note that alternate meanings are indicated by a * and +. The need to get away from it all for some peace and quiet now and again will be strong. In writing my monthly e-column, my interpretation was tailored to the requirements of the editor. Neptune transits to Mars affect your drive and desire nature, strength, as well as your ability to assert yourself. Pluto Conjunct North Node Synastry, Natal, Transit: Perpetual Transformation. And, while opening your heart to new possibilities, be sure to use some common sense. Picture the Immune System as a sea. Now I could change my column and write it exactly as I wished. How to Predict Your Future: Secrets of Eastern and Western Astrology, Planets in Transits: Life Cycles for Living. This book discusses the latest discoveries (at that time) in adrenal exhaustion. Thanks for the thread. This was also a deception/betrayal situation that always comes under hard aspects1to Neptune. It increases intuition and psychic sensitivity, and also helps to find ways to put them into practice. Neptune is only strong when it is aspecting planets in your chart. I used to say that she would rather tell people that I had run off to join a Hippie Commune than becoming an astrologer. Your increased sensitivity and compassion will make it hard to ignore the suffering of others but your first priority is to look after yourself. As I realize now, having my subtle body lifted from the physical, having slid out so to speak, I was indeed looking at my world from a different perspective, from my etheric body. Begin paying attention to your dreams, fantasies feelings, subtle impressions, inklings, and thoughts that seem unusual or unrelated to your usual way of thinking. Avoid food in the nightshade family. Relationships are thrown under the spotlight and often start under peculiar circumstances. However, her Sagittarius is less self-righteous with more respect for the opposition, not needing to be the center and less patient with those who need to be the center. Neptune is natally in my 2nd House but ruling my 7th and 8th Houses. Why? Otherwise, your close relationships could become a source of confusion and disappointment. In thinking on my involvement with the Monroe Institutes Positive Immunity Program, I came to see again the sympatico link between my work with Orion over the years and the Hemi-Sync approach. Now she could be openly proud of what I was doing. Its great for mineralization because charcoals pores hold onto nutrients. It has an element of fluctuation, as the movement of the wave. Friends, colleagues, neighbors, or siblings have an increased level of influence in your lifeeven to the point that you can be blind to think they're anything other than blameless. I feel that the Bach Remedy,CLEMATIS, saved my life in 1997. Venus in Pisces and Venus in hard aspect to Neptune is similar. If you are such a person, you are likely to be a born mystic. +The problems and responsibilities of life may be seen in a new light, as part of a larger drama you are living (almost like a dream). So, I made a decision to trust that I had tried to make a good decision and not to think about it anymore but to just do the job in front of me one day at a time. Strange moods and feelings that you may never have experienced before come and go during this time period. I feel like i need their help right now but none of the names you mention about. Dont make it easy for people to use you or take from you. In fact as a child I could not see through the fog of it. Neptune generally manifests illnesses such as influenza and aches and pains that come and go. I did not have any social connections in the city on this trip but we found friends. You may feel in danger of losing your sense of who you really are, what your limitations are, even what your direction is. I think youll be blown away, to come to realize how profoundly that placement has affected your life. He had an affair divorced me and said I wasnt the person he married that I changed. *Major changes in your career occur at this time. The column was picked up by an Italian website. The body may follow certain patterns. A Neptune or Pluto transit over the angles is much rarer, and correspondingly deeper and more far-reaching. Neptune represents our subconscious mind. Self-isolation. You could be undergoing confusion about what you want from life, where you are headed, and how to go about satisfying your ego. Neptune Transits Square Saturn Then, in November 1989, as the Berlin Wall came down, my house caught on fire. It does seem like quite a powerful transit that will be around for some time. Do not take chocolate with your calcium supplements as the oxalic acid in the cocoa will bind the calcium so that it is not usable by the body. A great web of interconnections. During this period you have a heightened sensitivity to everything around you at times an almost mystical sense of oneness or communion. Sun Transits. the two planets have done quiet a damage during their transit through my sixth house so I am scarred of what the conjunction to descendant and square to natal pluto will bring. To find your current transits go to the Extended Chart Selection and select transits from the Chart type dropdown menu. Neptune is a spiritual planet and you cannot make spiritual progress without a spiritual test of some sort. Plus Neptune transit conjunct Pisces moon in 4th house. The, often, have beautiful eyes, too. I experienced panic attacks. There is a strong desire for peace and harmony, and perhaps some sense that you have to make sacrifices for that end. What does Venus rule in your chart? You and your partner are probably easily influenced by each other. At the same time pluto will also begin to square natal pluto loosely (10 degrees). This is the time to spread your wings and explore imaginative new possibilities. It may be an easy way of finding glamor rather than the more difficult path to build the excitement and glamor into your own life, to change yourself into that ideal that you long for in others, to be the creative person yourself rather than affiliating with the talents of others. The Empath those who have at the core of their nature the innate ability to receive energy, information, awareness from others. This is a good time to learn about feng shui, the Chinese art of creating harmonious, life-enhancing spaces to live or work in. I am a nurse and now I am studying medicine But for all my experience I havent seen anything like this I tried so many things- diets, creams prescribed from all the dermatologist I had visited, yoga, meditation, omeopatia, radiestesia, acupunctura Pls help me. Acceptance is, instead, honoring that you are part of many things and many aspects of living and that the conscious mind and the conscious self often can only see a certain view at a certain time. A young girl came for a reading and I commented that Neptune crossing her Venus was favorable for cosmetic surgery to change her energies. You are able to see your work in better perspective. For some, romantic yearnings/longings previously undiscovered or unacknowledged now surface and it can be challenging to satisfy them. Have you seen the Sabine Symbol for 12Virgo? There was still a psychological barrier based upon the fear of people that still remained. You can consider this talk an addition to all that you may come to know about the Immune System and health. Surely this transit has ways of manifesting positivity? All Neptune transits can stress the adrenals. This was a major turning point in my life. Uranus re-organises, Neptune dissolves. The following are interpretations of Neptunes transits to planets and points. You could find that your intuition is subtly enhanced this yearyou might often find yourself in the right place at the right time, probably because your hunches are more likely to be correct. The dreams can be bad. Love your site. They would state what they wanted, and then said, Dont you agree? So, I had to be strong and say that I dont agree and show them the other side of things they need to be looking at., Great analogy on Neptune/Saturn, using it in creative ways. TANSY (FES): An imbalance causes lethargy, procrastination, the inability to take straightforward action and forms habits and patterns that undermine or subvert the intention of the Self. Pluto and saturn will conjunct my descendant in a year. But do consider that these events do not call upon you to judge, to turn away from, to dislike yourself, your actions, choices or outcomes. It dances with your fears, it dances with your stresses. You may discover your own psychic or clairvoyant talents during this transit. Details can be glossed over in favor of the bigger picture, and you can find it hard to stick to systems or schedules. Trying again now. Jane wonders if this type of diffused relating is not transitional because she does want an eventual partnering. read more Intuitive awareness Someone approached her and offered her a good job. You may enjoy the fruits of past labor or good deeds. A square creates tension, no matter what planet is involved. When Neptune began opposing my natal Venus at 29 Cancer, initially, fellow astrologers told me that I was going to be flooded with hot honeys and the illusion of glamor. I feel the need to be by myself- writing and or reading- Also, I have been in therapy for the last 3 months to work with my inner child- It is comforting to have a professional to walk with me during this times where everything feels uncertain chronicles of a Neptune-moon transit deserve to become a book title- my sun in Virgo, analytical-practical is really confused with the moon being touched . Boundaries are not as clear, commitments are elusive, and perception is confused. You may also find yourself feeling the need to approach others about the way they express themselves and treat others. An opportunity to use your imagination to improve your living environment or beautify your surroundings. You are in tune and pick up far more from your environment than usual. Compassion, harmony, kindness, and openness are themes now. Also, my mind is foggy about making decisions about life, and Ive been a bit loner and an isolated person. Dear Lynn, You stop resisting. The marriage was accompanied by drugs, alcohol and bizarre behavior by both parties. *Speculation, optimism, restlessness, and perhaps downright foolhardiness are key issues now. Just dont take any wooden nickels. It is so damn difficult to distinguish my own feelings and what do others put on me. Neptune in Pisces has been very difficult for all. Thanks for taking the time to respond. In each city, I would connect with so-called strangers who willingly took me in and befriended me. You are more sensitive than ever, and by transits end you may tap into your devoted nature. She was a nurse and a wonderful artist but the more involved her relationships were, the worse the outcome for herself. Recognizing that you need more on a spiritual level can help you handle the transit more constructively. You can order this online It is a non-toxic form of colloidal silver this kills bad bacteria asap. Ive been living by a body of water for 10 years. Try not to borrow from your future, not just with regards to finances, but also when it comes to emotional matters. As the transit progresses, and certainly by the time it is over, we should have a more refined understanding in the affected areas of lives. Usually it is an optimistic time unless there are a lot of other hard aspects, in which case this represents a time of . You may undergo a crisis of identity during the initial stages of this transit, and the experiences you have may lead you to a more refined understanding of yourself and the direction in which you want to head. Because of the heightened sensitivity produced by this planet, the body often holds on to extra weight as a buffer and a protection which the individual actually needs. Even when a friend considered purchasing the house across the street, I was excited about having this friend as a close neighbor, something that would have disturbed me greatly a few years ago, before the Transformation a point in which the old Lynn died and the new Lynn began to emerge. It is great aspect, just frequent quick shower, to clean bad energies we grab during a day, and little bit Reiki or plant medicine, and everything is smooth sailing . Your email address will not be published. There are few negatives associated with this cycle, unless you are already overly idealistic, fanciful, and impractical, in which case these tendencies may be somewhat more pronounced than usual. Connected to what some may think of as the soul, what others may think of as the All of you. If the Sun is involved, we dont know where we are heading and we have a hard time defining what we want and where we want to go. Elisabeth. As you chase something different, unusual, and otherworldly, you may lack discrimination in your choices of purchases, people, and pleasures. Its not the best time to lend out money, to sweep material concerns under the carpet, to buy on credit, or to avoid paying attention to bank/tax matters. I think I should probably ignore all men since this sounds dreadful! I distilled for 2 years and started gathering medicinal herbs to extract and feel out. Look to the house(s) of your natal chart with Cancer on the cusp for areas of your life where Neptune is acting to refine Look to planets in Cancer in your chart to see other parts of your personality that Neptune is now infusing with spirituality and sensitivity. Your self-image is being re-worked, and you are becoming more sensitive to a greater, perhaps more spiritual, sense of purpose. Often, when the transit ends, so does the undefined health issue. They manifest symptoms: Being lost in thought, absent-minded and inattentive, appears slightly confused, little reaction to events, good or bad, a floating sensation, poor memory, poor body image causing the individual to bump into things, visual or hearing problems. Slowly, with each trip to Europe, I transformed into the Lynn that they saw a crazy lady, an adventuress with luggage from hell in tow, that just hopped on a plane and made friends everywhere. One may feel as if one is a ghost, with the wind blowing through where a solid ego should be. It became an argument between them, but Orion emphasized the need to keep the language of the tapes open enough to allow people to mesh their individual approaches into the scripts of the tapes. You tend to project your ideals and fantasies on others now, and not really see them objectively and clearly. It expands your idealistic nature, and it can inspire a search for knowledge and truth. Most health issues are vague and undefined. Neptune transits square or opposite Mercury. Clematis is the most important but, if you feel that you need additional support: BLACKBERRY (FES): A frequent problem experienced during a Neptune transit (or even a strong natal Neptune or Mars in Pisces) is ambivalence, confusion and an inability to translate goals and ideals into concrete action or viable activities. It is too easy to live in ones head, to philosophize rather than execute; vitality and willpower are both sluggish. The effects of this transit will have much to do with the condition of Mars in your chart. I do not know who Kitty is but I am the one who answers all. Sent 5 times a week. It dances with the time that you live and it dances with other times you have lived. I no longer use this brand since Solaray Raw Adrenal is easier to find at The Vitamin Shoppe. You can always write to me directly but this was a good question that may benefit others. Designed to help you in the 1 minute it takes to read them. The lessons of Neptune are to put us in touch with our creative skills, to learn to define boundaries for self and others (learning to say NO) and, with disappointment or betrayal, we embark upon a journey to discover our real Self. These tend to end in drama-filled watershed moments that reveal all the dirt that lay below the surface and their real intentions, which are very often unconscious to them but toxic for me. Breathe in, breathe out. Martin Luther King Jr. gave the famous "I Have a Dream" speech in August 1963, sharing his vision of racial equality with burning passion. We do not agree with those who say good health is the natural way of life and that all variations on that reflect a lack in the body and spirit of a being. I could not see through those times and places (difficult to explain). If you write or speak for a living, this is an especially beneficial time when you are able to infuse imagination and animation into your communications. How Neptune affects our lives depends very much on whether we resist its influences or we try to work with the planet of illusion and spirituality. I have never partnered, I have never been able to completely trust my perceptions or go with my gut (a quincunx between my Sun and Moon doesnt help). I Love Burdock. Self-awareness is a good start and spiritual development is the next step. My mother had neptune conjunct the 7th house cusp and she didnt see her relationships accurately. There is a reason behind this identity crisisyou are learning to let go of ego attachments. MaintainETHICS! Pisces is on my 7th house cusp so this whole thread applies to my personality. As I said earlier, in 2003, when Neptune in the 6th opposed Pluto in the 12th House, I had been writing a column for a upscale magazine. Neptune opposition Ascendant is also known as Neptune conjunct Descendant or Neptune setting. Make NO choices based on new ethics but only on the standards you had used all your life. Astrologer Pat Geisler advises: Make NO choices based on new ethics, but only on the standards you had used all your life., Follow the routines you had created for yourself, accept the responsibilities that are yours without whining about it and just keep on plugging. A client with Neptune squaring his Sun asked about investing $10,000 with some friends. I was the best thing since sliced bread. In Berlin, we have parties but in Prague we have close, personal conversations. With transiting Neptune conjunct her Descendant and square her natal Sun in the 4th house in Libra, she realized that marriage and family are everything to her, so she felt she could not leave her husband. As the emotional pipelines open up and the emotional walls come down, you can become more vulnerable to deception. I discussed this phenomena at a workshop in Richmond, Virginia. It dances with the beliefs of your own life, of your societys life. Neptune Conjunct Ascendant. NEPTUNE TRANSITS - The CRISES OF DISCONNECTEDNESS: There are 3 issues symbolized by Neptune that I will address using the examples submitted by readers. Neptune transits conjunct Mars Although your focus may be compromised and physical energy scattered, there is a strong potential for you to improve your intuition and magnetic powers. It takes a little practice but I must be honest with myself, my needs and wants. It was the best thing that ever happened. In this culture, the abilities of the Empath often are reflected in how they deal with people psychologically and emotionally and often literally in their careers as well; people who can absorb and change energy. Because I regained some of the wave your thinking process becomes more animated, imaginative, and during! 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