positive impacts of human activity on coastal landscapes

They can think, reason, feel and make deductions or hypothesis and seek to solve or prove their deductions or theories. However, excessively high sediment loads can smother submerged aquatic vegetation beds, cover shellfish beds and tidal flats, fill in riffle, The Effects of Human Activity on Coastal Landforms. Ability to show change over time The increase in the use of fertilisers for agriculture and warming ocean waters has contributed to eutrophication of the Ocean in certain areas of the world. The cost of this over the years is well into the millions and although replenishing the beaches with sand is helpful now, it is hardly a long term solution (Fox). The fact that the business world and the preservation world are on the same page is a good indicator that maintaining beaches are important for both people and animals. Dog poo has a particular chemical that is bad for human skin so when youre playing in the water in Brighton beach, remember that your laziness could mean that youre swimming in the remainders of your dogs poo. Physical weathering/disintegration by such processes as freeze-thaw action, salt crystallisation, and wetting and drying. The swash zone is the area of wet sand, caused by the incoming wave. This can be seen when mass beaching events occur or breeding success is diminished. It was not long before attempts to control erosion resulted in various types of structures such as jetties, groins, and seawalls. erosion of sediment from beach e.g. (a) (i) Use Figure 2 to analyse changes in wave height for the three mangrove forests. Wave cut platforms Another impact on the coast is pollution. There have been many disastrous chemical spills at sea and from industry on land, affecting animals immediately via ingestion, or long term, in changes to reproduction cycles and other biological processes. The content will depend upon the strategy chosen and may include: Dams built for flood control and water catchment along the rivers leading to these coasts inhibit the transport of large grained . Stability of Dunedin and Hurricane Passes, Pinellas County, Florida. The 1982 United Nations Convention of the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) includes a specific requirement for States (under Article 194) to put measures in place to deal with pollution of the marine environment including pollutants arising from land-based sources (Kidd et al. The content may vary according to the landscape but may include: The whole of the east coast of the USA used to bloom with trout. e.g. Evidence suggests a variety of impacts to coastline ecosystems result from shoreline development, increased sediments in the water, trampling by tourists and divers, ship groundings, pollution from sewage, overfishing, and fishing with poisons and explosives that destroy coral, Since they were built in the early 20th century, there has been a steady increase in beach erosion. Both approaches seen above are acceptable. Human activities have had an impact on coastal environments almost as long as people have been using the coast. magnitude of process increases with time - waves operate over minutes whilst flood cycles operate over years Such attempts to control the nature of changes on the beach are among the more negative impacts from humans. Candidates may make arguments, using evidence, to show that positive impacts on human activity outweigh negative impacts or conversely that negative impacts outweigh the positive. The specification lists these as beaches, spits, bars, tombolos and cuspate forelands. -Geology, "To fail the Amazon is to fail the biosphere, and we fail to act at our own peril." #amazon #humanimpact #agriculture #deforestation #landusechange An examination of the scale of the role of erosional processes Significant areas of gain are located from 0 to 4 km and reaches 3 m per year. -Does it provide specific information about the related event, ie strength etc The pattern of loss and gain over space should be identified with confident use of x and y axis data. weight of glaciers causing compression This is more than half the worlds population. Damage to housing shown on photo Understanding of the link between processes and the formation of the selected erosional landform Reading exact data figures, easy? Examine the importance of different time scales in the formation of one or more coastal landforms. The coastline is rapidly eroding at an average of 1.8 metres a year. Examination of the role of other processes Answers could address the following but credit other valid responses: (a) (i) Use Figure 1 to compare the shoreline changes shown at Location 1 and Location 2. https://doi.org/10.1007/1-4020-3880-1_175, Shipping restrictions may apply, check to see if you are impacted, Reference Module Physical and Materials Science, Tax calculation will be finalised during checkout. Plastic microbeads in beauty products have been banned, ensuring tiny pieces of plastic cant enter the Ocean food chain. Development of barrier islands accessed by these causeways resulted in various types of construction that have negatively impacted on the coastal zone. Lynch-Blosse, M.A., and Davis, R.A., 1977. Regional changes in temperature and precipitation are having impacts on people and ecosystems. Knowledge and understanding of other processes that may form selected erosional landform - transport, deposition The metals required in our laptops, phones and batteries can be found on the seafloor but what damage will we do? Are intervals of key good? [2], political issues Enviromental organisations have tried there best to limit the amount of man made deveoplment on coastal lads and many schools, Preserving coastlines is important for the economy and the environment. A Defra study shows that exposure to marine and coastal environments has positive effects on human health and well-being. 12. The global Sustainable Development Goals will protect nature, especially goal 14 Life Below Water. natural colonization of dune systems to halt erosion ASCE, New York, pp 774789, National Research Council (1995) Beach nourishment and protection. Knowledge and understanding of the characteristics of identified landform(s) of coastal deposition. It is found that the activities occurring on . AO1 content encompasses knowledge and understanding of how erosional, and other valid, processes produce landforms. Coastal Education and Research Foundation, Asheville, NC, USA, Coastal Education and Research Foundation, Coconut Creek, FL, USA, Davis, R.A. (2019). [5], Expensive overall the changing role of wind with distance inland (b) Examine the role that wind plays in the development of a coastal sand dune. - Decrease in wave height leads to decrease in wave energy (1) CERC, 1984. (a) (i) Use Figure 1 to suggest how mass movement is influencing the development of this coastal landscape. People love living near the beach. The content may vary according to the landform but may include an examination of: 4. Some places will warm much more than others, some regions will receive more rainfall, while others are exposed to more frequent droughts. Humans also impact the land around or near the coast. An assessment of the impacts of human activity in the formation of the chosen coastal landform/s. -Changes to climate etc) isostatic recovery takes place (slowly/over a long period of time) The report highlights the important role of marine conservation work as visits to marine and coastal areas with designated or protected status and those with higher levels of biodiversity were associated with higher levels of calmness, relaxation and revitalisation, compared to locations without this status. (6). Explanation of the processes will include transformational processes such as longshore drift as well as depositional factors. Deposition occurs when and where there is insufficient energy to move sediment further, and learners should understand the processes of sediment sorting and flocculation. An examination of the role of marine processes in the formation of a suite of landforms. - orientation of coast Journal of Coastal Research, 14: 407417. the impact on the aesthetics of the coast concentration in South East Wales Do the unofficial footpaths have a detrimental/positive affect on species, . the development of bays by erosion can provide shelter for shipping, 8. AO1 content encompasses knowledge and understanding of the processes of coastal transport and one landform of coastal deposition. Ability to show change over time? Stacks The human cost of flooding can be large, but events like this have a big impact on the natural world too, and the effects are not always negative. (b) Examine the role of marine erosional processes in the formation of one or more landforms of coastal erosion. The need for extra grazing is putting pressure on wildlife. [5], All have landslides as the highest % whether the reduction of impacts of human activity has been successful 774789. the extent to which the strategy has modified erosion or deposition issues Internationally the UK continues to push for greater protection of marine habitats on the world stage with 20 countries joining the UK-led Global Ocean Alliance, which aims to secure protection for at least 30% of the worlds oceans by 2030. This paper bibliometrically and systematically analyzed 2,613 studies found in the Web of Science Core . Springer, Cham. Knowledge and understanding of the characteristics of one landform of coastal deposition It is important to recognize to what extent various disturbances affect wetlands when assessing disturbance and impact, and when considering wetland protection options (Clearwater et al., 1998). Sands and gravels eroded from the shores of coastal bays maintain the beach as a natural barrier between the open water and coastal wetlands. -Relief, the importance of erosional processes or sub-aerial processes Human Impact on Coasts. (Increase in incidence of) destructive waves [1], increases energy/power [1] leads to greater backwash [1] removes sediment from the coastline [1] and increases shoreline retreat. the extent to which there has been a changing focus of coastal erosion as sediment is trapped by groynes The human impact on the environment is the sum of all activities and behaviors that create both positive and negative changes that affect the Earth's sensitive ecosystem. Relevant responses could include: Domestic Marine Minister, Rebecca Pow, said: Whether it is to enjoy a sport, take a walk, watch the wildlife or to simply admire the landscape, for many of us spending time by the sea is not only hugely enjoyable, but it has a welcome impact on our well-being too. the extent to which the strategy has reduced impacts on human activity Your partner always seems to have an exuse~ Human activity along the coast has both positive and negative impacts on the natural environments. Line graph Marshland and wetland is used to by farmers for grazing pasture for cattle: Industry battles alongside coastal tourism. [5]. This may include: 03.4 Assess the relative importance of weathering and erosion in the development of coastal landscapes. But if we add humans to these beaches what do we get. These are hydraulic action, abrasion and corrosion, attrition and solution. Examination of the relative role of longshore drift period of time have increased the size of the beach. They are a vital part of maintaining our beaches as they absorb the impact. Nash Point PubMedGoogle Scholar. AO1 content encompasses knowledge and understanding of the characteristics of depositional coastal landform(s) and the role of longshore drift, and other factors, in their formation. -Allotments, Encyclopedia of Coastal Science pp 530535Cite as, Part of the Encyclopedia of Earth Science Series book series (EESS). 15. Human 3.6 billion People live near or around a coast. 14. (a) (i) Use Figure 2 to describe the links between time, space and process. Specific areas of sediment loss and gain should be identified to reach Band 3. Possible approaches may include: Ease of construction Content may vary according to landform(s) selected but may include: AO1 content encompasses knowledge and understating of one management strategy. In Pye, K., and Allen, J.R.L. All points on scale? least in Bridgend, 20. These plain beaches were clean, tidy, neat, even good looking. How anthropogenic factors in the back-barrier area influence tidal inlet stability: examples from the Gulf Coast of Florida, U.S.A. The high cost of London properties has caused for businesses to move out towards the coast, Many UK coastal resorts have universities and young populations that allow companies to expand there. AO1 AO1 Getting these measures right is not easy and requires transformative, multidisciplinary research, with an aim to support sustainable and responsible ocean stewardship for the conservation of the environment and to ultimately improve lives. The adding of sand from other places to these beaches in mass quantities means that the sand forms steep drops into the ocean in relatively shallow water. The content will depend upon the management strategy chosen but there are a number of threads that are worthy of credit: Major cities like New York are right next to the sea. - presence of soft rocks [5], wave height reduced with increased distance inland for all forests, 4. Assess the relative importance of longshore drift in the formation of one or more landforms of coastal deposition. Geological Society, London, Special Publications 175, pp. AO1 content encompasses knowledge and understanding of how aeolian processes form coastal sand dunes. Cliffs provide inputs into beach [3], - presence of unconsolidated sand AO1 Click to reveal answer. examination of supply of sediment - some places have greater inputs of sediment from rivers, cliffs etc Variation in expense with location The first reason why the beaches are eroding is because of rock jetties. the role of physical objects at the strand line Knowledge and understanding of the link between processes of transport and one landform of coastal deposition examination of wave types to show how more constructive wave action can increase deposition Knowledge and understanding of the positive impacts of these processes on human activity e.g. 2. Candidates may refer to how the impact of coastal processes may change over time. Knowledge and understanding of the characteristics of identified landforms that are linked to this scale and their link to process In: Schwartz, M.L. [5], chalk cliffs steeper than clay and sand, 3. the role of biotic factors [5], Three areas identified on the map south-west/northeast/ north-west) - not all are needed. Answers may conclude that seasonal processes have a major part or variable influence on the development of selected landform(s). Check benefits and financial support you can get, Find out about the Energy Bills Support Scheme, Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs, last year designating a further 41 Marine Protection Zones. The content may vary according to the landscape but may include: allow you to add annotations of changes exactly where they happened and can provide a visual to help you remember what the site looks like, rather than reading from a description. Provided by the Springer Nature SharedIt content-sharing initiative, Over 10 million scientific documents at your fingertips, Not logged in When answering 8 mark questions usefulness of photographs and field sketches go through: Both help provide visual aids to a study by distinctively showing the differences in physical environments. (20) Assess the extent to which predicted climate change will present challenges for sustainable management of a local scale environment that you have studied. -Infrastructure You can also search for this author in A ghost net trapping fishes and other creatures on a coast. Field sketches can also provide similar information and can particularly show the differences between the shape of the area you are studying on different occasions, ie glacial retreat. how the strategy modifies process Various locations across the UK have tourist areas next to industries. As people migrate to the coast for residences, business, and recreation, they interact with the natural coastal environments. "To fail the Amazon is to fail the biosphere, and we fail to act at our own peril." #amazon #humanimpact #agriculture #deforestation #landusechange Human Impact on Coasts. The increase in the use of fertilisers for agriculture and warming ocean waters has contributed to eutrophication of the Ocean in certain areas of the world. Knowledge and understanding of how alternative process contribute to the development of depositional landforms. In the other case, if there is more deposition than erosion, then the beaches grow due to more. Spartina alterniflora is considered an invasive species that has affected the biogeochemical circle of carbon in coastal wetlands around the world. Coastal regions are highly vulnerable to the impacts of human activities, land cover change, sea level rise (SLR), and climate extremes. 7. Examples could be stacks, arches, and wave cut platforms but credit any relevant landform. Ability to pick out anomalies? The growth of the Meat Free Monday movement is great for our Ocean. A conclusion may be drawn in the context of the landform(s). In: Finkl, C.W., Makowski, C. (eds) Encyclopedia of Coastal Science. Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content: Sorry, a shareable link is not currently available for this article. This leaves the sand dunes more susceptible to erosion causing blowouts and disrupting the succession of vegetation in the area. Part of Springer Nature. [5], The development of the coastal landscape can be seen from both an erosional and depositional viewpoint. AO2 Candidates should address the importance of wind and/or consider interrelationships between wind and other factors identified. [15], AO1 Human activity can have varying impacts on coastal environments. Cliff lines meltwater moves to oceans Sand dunes act as a natural barrier against coastal storms and beach erosion caused by strong, destructive wind and waves. Coastal Engineering Research Center. Climate Change: Regional Impacts. The growing global population has lead to urbanisation which has had intentional and unintentional impacts on the landscape. There are, however, a number of evidence gaps which we wish to further explore, such as the effects of marine environments on obesity prevalence in children and Vitamin D in adults, or the life stage at which nature-based interventions are most effective, and how they may vary among economic, social and cultural groups in the population. Examine the relative importance of geology in the development of one or more landforms of coastal erosion. growth of embryo dunes Sadly, oil spills still occur, coating beaches, sinking to smother Ocean plant life and killing a wide variety of birds, fish and sea mammals. New York: ASCE, Coastal Sediments 77, pp. Farmers have to maximise their income by using whatever land they can. reference to species - corals, algae, sponges Knowledge and understanding of the processes operating over a time scale of seasons - variations in wave type, variations in wind, flood pulses EXAMPLE: The snapshots of our trip to Kenya are (lying, laying) on top of the photo album. The plot shows rates of shoreline erosion (red) and deposition (yellow) over 79 years at Fire Island. Knowledge and understanding of processes of coastal erosion The world has woken up to the millions of tonnes of plastic that have entered the Ocean over the past 100 years. Knowledge and understanding of the characteristics of identified landforms that are linked to this scale and their link to process Dont include personal or financial information like your National Insurance number or credit card details. [3], definition of fetch [1 max] Beaches move back and forth onshore, offshore and along shore with changing wave conditions. [5]. Bays (a) (ii) Suggest one social loss associated with coastal erosion. Focus is on differences in deposition rather than comparison of deposition and erosion. . the extent to which modification of processes operating in a coastal environment has been successful A new study suggests that exposure to coastal environments can play a significant role in boosting human health and well-being, due to the 'therapeutic effects' marine and coastal landscapes have. (a) (ii) Suggest one way in which the landform at 900710 (Traeth Mawr) is linked to other landforms as part of the coastal system. Of barrier islands accessed by these causeways resulted in various types of construction that have negatively on... They can think, reason, feel and make deductions or theories activity can have varying impacts on people ecosystems. 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