wayne jenkins baltimore

Wayne Jenkins, Baltimore's dirtiest cop, is sentenced: It still doesn't feel like justice Jenkins was supposed to get guns off the street in Baltimore but wound up running a vicious. "He is no more than a common criminal," Davis' daughter, Shirley Johnson, said of Jenkins. For the past four years, Jessica Lussenhop has been reporting on the rise and fall of a corrupt squad of Baltimore police officers. Ex-police sergeant Wayne Earl Jenkins apologised in court for the crimes he committed while heading an elite squad called the Gun Trace Task Force (GTTF). For example, I asked him about the robbery of a man who lived in a large mansion in the suburbs of Baltimore - a robbery he pled guilty to in his plea agreement. Baltimore Police Sgt. The drop-offs included marijuana, cocaine and MDMA, all of which Stepp did his best to sell. He's even got a clothing line coming out around his defunct bail bond business, Double D Bail Bonds. He was also the ringleader of a criminal enterprise of police officers who were robbing people and dealing drugs. This past summer, as I was wrapping up work on "Bad Cops", a strange email appeared in my inbox. I'm losing a lot of teeth, you know, they used to be nice and pretty.". He states flatly that Jenkins is lying to me. The leaked case file doesnt say why. ET on HBO. Some of the most upsetting conversations I had were with people who felt victimised twice -- by both the officers and by the criminals. In another man's house, the GTTF broke into a safe and stole hundreds of thousands of dollars. Blake who in 2017 would wind up presiding over the Gun Trace Task Force corruption case noted that the other officers present backed Jenkins account. Wayne Jenkins was living a double life. "Seen it done, honest to god, 500 times.". Sneed. Many plainclothes units would work out of a satellite office inside a trailer in Northwest Baltimore. It was during these games that Stepp heard Jenkins boasting about the large drug stashes he often came across during his work as a plainclothes police officer. Four years after the Gun Trace Task Force officers were arrested, he says he sees no difference on the streets of Baltimore. They direct their work, approve overtime pay and provide reports to higher-ranking supervisors. Washington (AFP) - A police officer described as perhaps the most corrupt in the history of the Baltimore police department was sentenced to 25 years in prison on Thursday. Weeks later, I search these locations myself to see if I can find anything. Hed grown up in the working class suburb, where his father worked two jobs, including at Bethlehem Steel. Jenkins had told his squad hed heard over wiretaps that Belvedere Towers, a high-rise apartment complex in North Roland Park, was the scene of large drug deals. One afternoon, he took two officers there and they wound up stopping a drug deal in progress. It was difficult for me to understand and parse all of Jenkins' denials, now. But Stepp had an ace up his sleeve - for months, he'd been documenting their crimes on his cell phone. Someone once told me that it will take a generation for the direct impact of the Gun Trace Task Force to start to fade, and it will be impossible to measure how the victims' trauma will play out in the lives of their children, families and friends. At trial, Jenkins and his boss denied any knowledge of who attacked OConnor. Across the country, these plainclothes squads have often been where scandals are born. Though Simon says he reported the incident to the police departments Internal Affairs office, he ultimately stopped cooperating on advice from his defense lawyer. The bondsman would take care of selling them, then split the profits with the police sergeant. Please sign up today and help make a difference. OConnor had spent much of the day tossing back beers at the Brewers Hill Pub & Grill in Southeast Baltimore when the manager asked him to leave. April 25, 2022 5:45 PM EDT. The jury was shown axes, machetes and pry bars, as well as black masks that were found in Jenkins' van after his arrest. Baltimore Sun reporter Justin Fenton spent a year delving into the operations of Wayne Jenkins and his officers, both as members of the Gun Trace Task Force and before. No one took anything, but Jenkins later mused about the possibilities. "How police act towards people ain't changed," he told me recently. I did give drugs to Donny [Stepp, who testified he and Jenkins sold $1 million worth of narcotics] for the last couple of years I was police, but I didn't take people's money because then they would know you were dirty. Wayne Jenkins grew up in Middle River and is a graduate of Eastern Technical High School. She described how the unnamed officer talked about Jenkins: Hes probably the best drug detective in the city. His punches came fast Jenkins was a trained boxer and OConnor soon felt the warmth of blood spilling down his cheek. "My dad would be alive today would it not be for his actions that day. In September 2021, Jenkins spoke with BBC journalist Jessica Lussenhop from behind bars, and he claimed he never took money from Baltimore citizens. I ask this friend why he didn't say anything to anyone. But two pronounced their innocence and went to trial, which I covered for the BBC. Dan Horgan said his mentality was your typical Marine camaraderie, teamwork. Within days, prosecutors issued a letter to police saying they were declining to charge Jenkins with a crime. "Right off the bat, we wasn't living lavishly. I ask, slightly confused. The GTTF did not hold a monopoly on harm, of course. Sergeant Wayne Jenkins, along with Detectives Marcus Taylor and Maurice Ward, intercepted a drug deal at the Belvedere Towers in Baltimore and seized about 20 to 25 pounds of marijuana as well as $20,000 to $25,000 in a second bag. Near Druid Hill Park, amid the shouting, sirens and buzzing choppers overhead, he commandeered a state prison department van and helped pull injured officers inside. Becoming Wayne Jenkins: Jon Bernthal's Deep Dive Into We Own This City 's Corrupt Cop For the HBO miniseries, the actor went on nightly ride-alongs and spoke at length with the imprisoned. All of the other officers would have to be inaccurate in their testimony if it is to be believed that Detective Jenkins was manufacturing information for the affidavit, she said. The apartment complex had a camera in the parking lot. These units often operated with little supervision. Yet another of Jenkins' friends said something I wasn't expecting. By Josiah Bates. Former Baltimore Police Department Sergeant Wayne Jenkins, currently inmate number 62928-037 at a federal prison in Kentucky, is on the line. Jenkins must serve three years of supervised release after his custodial sentence. Baltimore leaders have agreed to pay a $6 million settlement to the family of a driver who was killed during a 2010 police chase involving Gun Trace Task Force officers. Plainclothes officers made the most arrests, they seized the most drugs and money, assets, former Police Commissioner Kevin Davis told The Sun. And in the midst of that investigation, another arose. By Justin Fenton June 12, 2019 More in the series Part 1 The rise of Wayne. He couldn't get anyone to believe him at the time, and to this day, he fears law enforcement. Stepp says Jenkins started bringing over shipments of drugs on an almost daily basis, putting them in a locked shed behind Stepp's house. They said Jenkins instructed them to carry BB guns to plant on suspects to justify their actions if they made a mistake. Wayne Jenkins, who led the Gun Trace Task Force, was sentenced to 25 years in prison after pleading guilty to charges including racketeering, robbery and falsifying records. I deserve to go to jail.". Back before our interview, Jenkins' representative wanted me to speak to some of his old high school friends. We knew he wasn't the straight-and-narrow cop that all cops are supposed to be," he said. Jenkins' lawyer mentioned that he has been assaulted at least once by another inmate who was targeting him for being a former police officer. Credit: Baltimore Police. "Immediately, we get together and you go over your story. Wayne Jenkins posed as a . Wayne Jenkins, 37, pleaded guilty in January to robbery . It's going to happen again," he said. Despite Jenkins bravado, the jury found in favor of OConnor and awarded $75,000. After an FBI investigation into the unit discovered the GTTF's crimes, federal officers arrested Jenkins alongside several others in the unit. He also acknowledged stealing the man's $4,000 (2,956) watch, which he gave to Stepp to sell. The former ringleader of the Baltimore police Gun Trace Task Force and one of its detectives were sentenced Thursday to federal prison. Such questions over integrity have in the past prompted prosecutors to stop calling an officer as a witness, forcing the departments hand to take him off the streets. But then, about an hour later, the phone rings again. Contact Justin Fenton at jfenton@baltsun.com. After three weeks of astonishing testimony, the jury found the two remaining officers guilty. When I tell this to Stepp, he's angry. Two officers said he spoke openly about doing home invasions on high-level drug dealers that he called "monsters", because of the amount of drugs and cash he hoped they'd have stashed in their houses. "It was a front for a criminal enterprise," Stepp said of the Gun Trace Task Force. A squad of veteran police officers stood accused of committing numerous robberies, as well as extortion and overtime fraud. This series was supported by the Pulitzer Center. In December 2017, eight months after Jenkins was arrested, the FBI and Baltimore County officers broke down Stepp's door and arrested him in his kitchen. One officer held a nightstick across the drunken mans chest as Jenkins climbed on top of him and started swinging. Jenkins idolized his sergeant, Michael Fries, the target of the expletive. Jenkins, who later led the GTTF, pleaded guilty to civil rights violations for participating in the coverup and is serving 25 years in prison for crimes including robberies and selling drugs. On 1 March, 2017, Sergeant Wayne Jenkins and six of his subordinate officers from the Gun Trace Task Force walked into the Baltimore Police Department's Internal Affairs building, believing they were there to clear up a minor complaint about a damaged vehicle. I also point out to him that it's a fairly common practice for prosecutors to level charges that are so serious that the defendant feels they have no choice but to plead guilty. Jenkins admitted that he stole drugs from work and delivered them to Stepp, who would turn around and sell them. Both men have requested new trials. Wayne Jenkins, ex-police sergeant, leading the Gun Trace Task Force Sergeant Wayne Jenkins was a decorated leader of the corrupt plain-clothes police unit in Baltimore whose detectives robbed . He had been stationed in North Carolina and would frequently make trips home to visit his family and his high school sweetheart Kristy, the . "I never had [theft complaints] because I never took money off individuals. In Baltimore, theyre often referred to as knockers, a reference to their historically aggressive tactics. Burley was sentenced to 15 years in prison, which he was serving until federal prosecutors uncovered the task force's corruption and freed him. A plea agreement is a document that lists specific criminal acts that the defendant is agreeing to plead guilty to. According to testimony from Ward and Hendrix, Jenkins played an outsized role in the schemes. He served 20 months of a five year sentence in connection with the Gun Trace Task Force case, before being granted a compassionate release. Despite the lawsuits and later, video evidence from his squads body cameras Jenkins supervisors failed to scrutinize the arrests he was making. ", Explaining the tactics of the GTTF, he also told the publication: "This is a saying we state: 'Don't let probable cause stand in the way of a good arrest. Federal prosecutors displayed the contents of a bag found in the trunk of Sgt. They ordered us to f--- them up; we f---ed them up, one of the responding officers, Robert Cirello, now retired, said later in an interview with The Sun. He ordered a detective to drive them to the hospital and joined the front lines. In his plea deal, Jenkins admitted he planted heroin on Burley to try to justify the fatal collision. 49 . Yes. When I point out he already pleaded guilty to all these incidents, Jenkins tells me he only signed the agreement because he feared that if he went forward to trial, he could've wound up behind bars for life. It showed Sneed calmly standing across the street looking on, never even raising his arms. In June 2018, after pleading guilty on charges of. In January 2018, a long list of victims took the stand - many of whom had ties to the drug trade - and told harrowing stories of how they were robbed by the officers during car stops and searches of their homes. Wayne Jenkins, who . OConnor, a house painter who missed weeks of work because of his injuries, sued Jenkins and put forward witnesses who backed his account: After OConnor yelled at Fries, officers had pulled him to the ground, and Jenkins walloped him. Ward, now working with Jenkins for the first time, recalled the officers pulling over a car in East Baltimore that had two trash bags full of money. BALTIMORE One of the main players in the Baltimore Police Department's Gun Trace Task Force corruption scandal is asking for compassionate release from prison. And Jenkins, whod been identified as a rising talent early in his career, was celebrated among department brass and rank and file officers as a leader with an uncanny knack for delivering the goods. I sold drugs as a dirty cop," he says. You didnt catch me in nothing.. What had he gotten himself into? There's no telling how many other people were affected, but were too afraid to come forward. Then 34, he was already an admired leader of aggressive street squads and would go on to head the elite Gun Trace Task Force, one of the Baltimore Police Departments go-to assets in the fight against violent crime. He resigned and the top spot at the Baltimore Police Department remains vacant. According to the Internal Affairs file, the only times Jenkins had been disciplined by the department was for twice failing to appear in court. He was getting suspects off the street, but his cases often werent holding up in court. And while searching the area, Jenkins claimed, he found a BB gun under a nearby car. the dim light of the Baltimore Police Departments downtown nerve center, Sgt. "I never took a thing. When Jenkins called him to a house the GTTF was investigating, Stepp took pictures of the officers going in and out. Baltimore detectives convicted in shocking corruption trial Stepp grew up in Middle River, where he was friends with Jenkins's older brother. Wayne Jenkins eyes darted from screen to screen, taking in the surveillance images. While no one should forget for an instant that Jenkins and his officers caused untold harm to Baltimore citizens, I don't find it helpful to try to write him off as a "monster". Jenkins was stationed in North Carolina but often made the long trip back home to Middle River. "You have nightmares about police officers harassing you, beating you up, just locking you up, it's just a nightmare that I have and it basically hasn't gone away yet," he said. Some of his men also have acknowledged stealing well before they came together on the Gun Trace Task Force in 2016. Stepp was on home confinement for six months with an ankle monitor until this summer. The plaintiffs prevailed in three of them, either through a jury verdict or the citys decision to settle the case. Jenkins got a bronze star for his part in the 2009 recovery of 41 kilograms of cocaine $1 million worth in a mans truck. . During his trial, on January 5, 2018, Jenkins pled guilty to one count of racketeering, two counts of robbery, one count of destruction, alteration, or falsification of records in a federal investigation, and four counts of deprivation of rights under color of law. He started counting the money, $20,000 in all. As the leader of the unit, he received the longest prison sentence and the federal authorities who prosecuted the squad viewed him as its most culpable member. Jenkins, shown here with then-Commissioner Kevin Davis, was awarded a bronze star in April 2016 for his efforts to save injured officers during the unrest a year earlier. He kept $10,000 for himself, saying he planned to install a front-end crash bar so his department-issued vehicle wouldnt get damaged in his frequent collisions. And Jenkins says, Did you look in the console? And he pulls the rug back and boom. "an inmate in a federal prison," the robot finishes. The conversation with Jenkins gets more complicated when we turn specifically to the crimes of the Gun Trace Task Force. Others were raised by defense attorneys and their clients, who said an overzealous Jenkins skirted legal standards in making arrests. But already he was working in a plainclothes flex unit that rewarded dynamic officers and gave them freedom to roam. They drive unmarked vehicles. I've been reporting on Jenkins, and the elite Gun Trace Task Force squad he once led, for nearly four years. All seven now sit in federal prisons scattered across the country. In our conversation, Jenkins says that that's not true - members of the squad did steal money that day, but from somewhere else in the house. Jenkins started calling Stepp to the scenes of arrests, encouraging Stepp to try to get inside drug dealer's hideouts to steal whatever cash or narcotics he could find. However, the focus on quantity rather than quality led Jenkins and the seven other GTTF officers to start planting evidence, take money from the homes they invaded, and even resell the drugs they seized back onto the streets. Not long after Stepp flipped on his former friend, Jenkins pled guilty. In a 26 page letter hand written from his cell at the Federal Corrections institution in South Carolina, former Baltimore Police Sergeant Wayne Jenkins tells a judge that he saved a . He told the other officers to leave their cell phones and police vests in the car. They had the autonomy to catch and release suspects and develop informants. I continued working on this story for as long as I did out of some hope that the more the public learned about the corruption in the police department, the better chance there might be of some kind of true, systemic reform. The show briefly depicts Wayne Jenkins' wife in episode 5, and we are told that Wayne takes time off for the impending birth of his child. They told me they were disturbed that he was being portrayed as a "monster". "I felt comfortable with it because all the police officers that I met, which were many during the card games, in my opinion, they owned the city," Stepp would later tell the jury at the GTTF trial. Many Baltimore residents had long distrusted the police, and more so after the death of Freddie Gray. He had a criminal case to fight, and his freedom was more important. "We said, 'You know, he's robbin' the pieces of shit of Baltimore that are the reason that me and my kids can't walk down the street and feel safe," he says. He popped the trunk and carried the drugs into the garage. It is simply not true., U.S. District Judge Catherine C. Blake denied Oakleys motion to suppress the evidence. When one of the men darted into his home, Jenkins rushed in after him. He and other officers had raided a car wash, recovering more than a kilogram of drugs and $4,000 from a hidden desk compartment which could be opened only using magnets within a fish tank. Just in recent weeks, two officers have been criminally charged with misconduct. If Wayne Jenkins asked you to come work for him, you felt honored, Ward said. Then he said something that struck Ward as bizarre: He said he was going to take the marijuana to his home, and burn it all. Justin Fenton takes listeners inside the investigation on the Roughly Speaking podcast. But during the subsequent investigation, Frieman told detectives that he never saw a gun in Simons hand and that rather than being in imminent danger he was around a corner and out of sight when Jenkins ran down Simon. Jenkins explained that hed already tracked the man to Essex, so he thought they could stake out the home, go through the mans trash and find something to parlay into a search warrant. Wayne Jenkins and former Det. Using wiretaps and hidden recording devices, they had accumulated a wealth of evidence showing the officers were robbing citizens, filing for hundreds of hours of overtime they never worked, stealing drugs and even selling illegal firearms back on the streets. Jenkins also tells me that any time an officer's misconduct gets picked up by Internal Affairs or by an outside law enforcement agency, it was routine for the involved officers to meet up, to tailor their stories to avoid punishment. In the bedroom, Jenkins says he and a veteran supervisor found a suitcase filled with tens of thousands of dollars in cash. Wayne Jenkins, who led . At OConnors trial, Fries remarked that the others were worthless and didnt meet the standards of the organized crime unit. I asked him if he thinks that another scandal is inevitable. Then they could enter the house and take the money, only later calling county officers to say they were executing the warrant. What Detective Wayne Jenkins wrote in his affidavit for the search warrant was a complete fabrication, Oakley said. He claims that it was Stepp's idea to start selling drugs together, not the other way around. Five of the former officers, including Jenkins, pleaded guilty. "I swear, I wish I would have known before I ever put anyone in here I wish I would have known the other side," he says at one point. "It ain't over. Jenkins released the men and told them hed follow up with them later. Jenkins gave 150 percent on the street. Later in 2015, he took over a new squad of plainclothes officers within the latest rebranding, the Special Enforcement Section. He's also at work on a memoir, which he says will reveal the contents of videos and photos he took of Jenkins that were never released publicly. Plainclothes officers must constantly be checked by leadership, Barksdale said, with commanders inquiring about irregularities in their work and excessive overtime pay. Then-Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake held a news conference to tout one of Jenkins big drug busts. "Life in prison with three small children. But, he added, I think that if I am held responsible for my actions, then the same should be with the officers for their wrongdoing.. They urged his supervisors to get him back to work and focused, according to an internal police department investigation conducted after the indictments. De Sousa handled the discipline, and they had worked a deal, Hill said, according to a transcript of the interview. When the phone rings, I put the call on speaker and hear a robotic, pre-recorded female voice: "You have a prepaid call. Because believe me, I'll stand my ground in a second.". Donny made every piece of that up.". Amid controversies over the years, police brass would publicly disband the units, then reconstitute them with the same personnel under a different name. As Jenkins is telling me this, he is naming names. Reflecting on the revelations of his misconduct, Lt. Marjorie German concluded that department leaders gave Jenkins too much leeway because they were enamored of his results. Sergeants are the eyes and ears of the command, the front-line supervisors trusted to keep close tabs on their officers. BALTIMORE (AP) Baltimore leaders agreed Wednesday to pay a $6 million settlement to the family of a driver who was killed during a 2010 police chase . Outside on the sidewalk, he saw a bunch of cops and yelled an expletive at one he knew who happened to be Jenkins supervisor. I will continue to fight to prove my innocence.". One such warning came in 2010 from a Baltimore man caught drug dealing. "Hi, ma'am," Jenkins says when I pick up. Wayne Jenkins is a former BPD Sergeant who served as the leader of the Gun Trace Task Force. It's going to take an almost unimaginable kind of effort to dig out the roots of corruption in the department, and it's much easier to just lock up the cops who get caught, and carry on with business as usual. Not likely, Ward thought. Had the officers done things by the book, the cash and drugs would be registered with evidence control. Jerry Rodriguez, a career Los Angeles police officer who was a deputy commissioner in Baltimore from 2013 to 2015, said the department was resistant to change. "It strikes at the foundation of our entire criminal justice system.". Used to tell me he won it playing poker.". To single him out as a flawed individual in an otherwise perfectly functioning system is a way to avoid change in the police department, to shirk the responsibility of actually preventing this from happening again. Wayne Jenkins Image Credit: Baltimore Police Department/Associated Press. They also didnt give chase. Jenkins was a decorated cop and had a reputation for his role in several high-profile drug busts. Yes, I did," he says. "It's a surreal story. Current and former officers said he was generally regarded favorably as a cowboy type who found big cases through a frenetic pace of citizen stops, which sometimes yielded information leading the way up a chain of drug dealers. During his time on the streets of Baltimore Jenkins was involved. "I could have spoken up.". One former supervisor never responded. I have to try to untangle his answers as he moves from subject to subject, sometimes so fast I can't keep up. In fact, Fries went on to promote Jenkins in June 2006 into a high-profile plainclothes unit called the Organized Crime Division. It was billed at the time as the largest cocaine seizure in department history, one of Jenkins many large-scale seizures. He said together, they'd sold about $1m worth of narcotics. Although she did not address the court, in a letter to Judge Catherine Blake, Jenkins' wife Kristy asked for leniency. He's doing, as he likes to say, "rather swell". He acknowledged that he could tell something was off with Jenkins around the time of the GTTF crime spree. The three prosecutors concluded the officer admired Jenkins work even as he may have been trying to protect the sergeant. He and six members of that unit now sit in federal prison for crimes including conspiracy, racketeering and robbery, all committed under the guise of legitimate police work. "He's like, 'I'm not telling you to do anything, I'm just saying it sure would be nice if we had $10,000 apiece to go up to Atlantic City,'" Jenkins recalls. Jenkins rushed off to join them. Wayne Jenkins joined Baltimore's police department way back in 2003 as a beat cop patrolling the streets of Baltimore. He's due to be released in 2038. Today, he's a free man, living without restrictions with his spouse and young daughter in the eastern part of Baltimore County. Credit: U.S. Attorney's Office. While he may not be ready to let go of his animus towards Jenkins, Stepp's strange journey seems - at least for now - to be heading towards a happy ending. Jenkins, meanwhile, was the best officer I had working under my command, Fries said. Then the feds found him. Now, the recommended punishment was significant: a demotion, a transfer and suspension for 15 to 20 days, including a period without pay, Hill told the television network Al-Jazeera. Was stationed in North Carolina but often made the long trip back home to Middle River is. `` I never took money off individuals not long after Stepp flipped on his cell phone, '' says... The case affidavit for the search warrant was a complete fabrication, Oakley said but. He may have been criminally charged with misconduct who would turn around and them. 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