weird laws in egypt

document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); The Fact Site is the number one source for the most interesting & random facts about animals, celebrities, food, films, games & so much more. 7. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. 15 Utterly Emotional Books You Need to Read Right Now! This has been used to prosecute LGBTQ individuals, including an incident where 66 were arrested for flying a rainbow flag at a concert. In some cases, derogatory comments on social media have led to custodial sentences. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. According to Theodorides this "law" was embodied in statutes and protected by courts.41 Religious life was expressed in legal terms, like the setting up of foundations, contracts and donations. 2 Allam 2007: 265. In 2023, the holy month of Ramadan will start in March and conclude in April. Even after the Roman occupation, elements of Egyptian law were retained outside the major urban areas. However, the country does have a certain level of gender inequality for those who live there, including in employment, politics, and marital law. In Canada citizens may not relieve themselves or spit in the streets. December 17, 2021by. Dont worry we wont send you spam or share your email address with anyone. Relationships between couples of the same gender are not illegal in Egypt, strictly speaking. Narcotics carry serious charges. This is especially important during the holy month of Ramadan or if you intend to visit religious areas. Dress modestly, especially in rural areas, mosques and souqs (markets). When photographing Egyptian officials, always ask for their consent. 71 Kruchten 2001: 277. Westbrook states that there is evidence that previous decisions were regarded as a source of law, and that most of the law applied by the courts was probably customary law which derived from timeless tradition.110 According to him legislation included all orders issued by the king, his officials or local authorities. 110 Idem 14. 41 1971: 320.42 42 2007: 265. Indeed, I never took a bribe from anyone.88, In Rekhmire's instructions it is laid down that justice is to be rendered in public and in such a way that every person shall at all times be able to secure his rights.89 In this regard, an appeal is made to a sense of equity and by implication to jurisprudence, as it is pointed out that the records of all judgments are kept in the archives of the vizier to be consulted. These laws are the guidelines that all citizens must follow in order to maintain good order. 715 bc), were known as lawgivers. It is TOTALLY fine for a married partner to force the other partner for sex. weird laws in ancient egypt. I have three strange Egyptian laws: You can be imprisoned for not voting - all families with only one son don't have to send him to the army, but if they have two or more sons they should b Criticize the Egyptian government in public or on social media, Take part in any sort of protest or demonstration, Take or sell drugs or have them on your person, Encourage conversion to a religion other than Islam, Conduct yourself in a proper and respectful manner, Schools or other educational institutions, That the medication is for the travelers personal use, The amount that will be brought into the country for the purpose of the trip, Children under the age of 7 cannot sit in the front seats, Drivers must not use their mobile phones unless they have a hands-free system, To protect land or commercial property that they own. Tel: (202) 468-4200. A good example of this is the emergence of private pious foundations.43, Theodorides questions whether one can talk about law before its elaboration by the Romans since there is a lack of documentary evidence.44 There is no collection of laws from ancient Egypt, unlike Sumerian, Akkadian, Hittite and New Babylonian law collections, and - to make it even more difficult - the ancient Egyptians used everyday language regarding their legal concepts.45. 49 Ibid. Theodorides states that the application of law was coherent despite peculiar features of procedure.50 Certain fundamental elements of ancient Egyptian law appear to be, among others, the great importance of justice as well as the value that was attached to tradition - both important to maintain the bigger order of things. According to Allam42 an ultimate development in Egyptian history was the emergence of law as a notion separate from religion. WebThere were a number of laws surrounding the protection and treatment of cats in Ancient Egypt. While these are unlikely to affect visitors, it is a good idea to understand the culture and act and dress appropriately to avoid problems. 3. They suggest that the legal system was well developed at this stage and suggest that there must have been a long period of experimentation before. Travelers arriving from abroad should also be sure to comply with the visa regulations for Egypt. 73 Ibid. As in modern law, the words of the text become the eventual point of reference for the law's meaning (see Westbrook 2003c: 19). More Countries Now Eligible for Egypts eVisa. Witnesses sometimes were called, but usually the judge ruled on the grounds of the documents and the testimony of each party. 84 Ibid. Not all of them do it, though; only those who are unmarried or do not have children can be exempt from service by paying a fine known as the bribe money. Unmarried women are also eligible for exemption on payment of bribe money, but they must still serve if theyre pregnant or become so while in service. Of course, much of that authority has been delegated to others. 98 Ibid. Yes, yes, not even French kiss. During the Greek period of Egypt, Egyptian law continued to influence the separate Greek legal system. The reason behind it is that they want to keep their place clean. In the US, theres a law that states that no one may be imprisoned for making a pun. However, if someone tells you to stop making your puns in public and threatens violence against you (by kicking or punching), this is still considered assault. See details. Compared to other ancient civilizations, Egyptian law has provided little evidence of its institutions. In its wider sense, "right" is the agreement of the act of a reasonable being with reason in as far as another has an interest in such an act, and in its narrow sense "right" is the relation which exists between a reasonable being and something that belongs to the same being. 97 Versteeg 2002: 26. It is illegal to brush your teeth more than twice per day. Immigration violations can result in foreign nationals being detained for several days. Regarding elements of legal philosophy the following section from the "Instruction of the Vizier", Rekhmire (ca 1479-1425 BCE), is of importance: I judge both (the insignificant) and the influential. Ancient Near East orders were rather ad hoc commands, often regarding the rights of individuals or a temporary device to address a current problem.111. Then figure out what the total cost of the trip would be.? The White Land referred to the purity of its people, while The Black Land, a name given by the Ancient Greeks, stems from the color of the Nile Rivers water. Jurisprudence is described as "the science of philosophy of law".68 One of the greatest Roman-Dutch jurists, Hugo de Groot (Grotius) wrote the following in his book Introduction to the Dutch Jurisprudence: Jurisprudence is the science of living according to justice. What may be acceptable in the tourist resort areas may not be in other areas. 1330 New Hampshire Ave. NW, B1 Washington D.C. 20036 Allam, S (2007) "Law" in Wilkinson T (ed) The Egyptian World (London): 263-274[Links], Allen, JP (2004) Middle Egyptian: An Introduction to the Language and Cultures of the Hieroglyphs (Cambridge)[Links], Bedell, ED (1985) Criminal Law in the Egyptian Ramesside Period (unpublished PhD dissertation, University of Michigan)[Links], Bleeker, CJ (1967) Egyptian Festivals: Enactments of Religious Renewal (Leiden)[Links], Breasted, JH (1909) A History of Egypt: From the Earliest Times to the Persian Conquest (London)[Links], David, R (2002) Religion and Magic in Ancient Egypt (London)[Links], Gahlin, L (2007) "Private Religion" in Wilkinson T (ed) The Egyptian World (London): 325-339[Links], Goebs, K (2007) "Kingship" in Wilkinson T (ed) The Egyptian World (London): 275-295[Links], Grimal, N (2000) A History of Ancient Egypt (trl by Ian Shaw) (Oxford)[Links], Harris JR (ed) (1987) The Legacy of Egypt (Oxford)[Links], Helck, W & Otto, E (1980) Lexicon der gyptologie vol 3 (Wiesbaden)[Links], James, TGH (1984) Pharaoh S People (London)[Links], Jasnow, R (2003a) "Egypt: Old Kingdom and First Intermediate Period" Westbrook, R (ed) (2003) A History of Ancient Near Eastern Law vol 1 (Leiden): 93-140[Links], Jasnow, R (2003b) "Egypt: Middle Kingdom and Second Intermediate Period" in Westbrook, R (ed) (2003) A History of Ancient Near Eastern Law vol 1 (Leiden): 255-288[Links], Jasnow, R (2003c) "Egypt: New Kingdom" in Westbrook, R (ed) (2003) A History of Ancient Near Eastern Law vol 2 (Leiden): 289-360[Links], Kruchten, J (2001) "Law" in Redford, DB (ed) Oxford Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt vol 2 (Oxford): 277-282[Links], Lesko, LH (1994) Pharaoh's Workers: The Villagers of Deir el-Medina (Ithaca, New York)[Links], Lorton, D (2000) "Legal and Social Institutions of Pharaonic Egypt" in Sasson, JM (ed) 1995 Civilizations of the Ancient Near East (New York): 345-362[Links], Maasdorp, AFS (1878) The Introduction to Dutch Jurisprudence of Hugo Grotius (Cape Town)[Links], Manning, J (2003) "Egypt: Demotic Law" in Westbrook, R (ed) A History of Ancient Near Eastern Law vol 2 (Leiden): 819-862[Links], McDowell, AG (1999) Village Life in Ancient Egypt (Oxford)[Links], Muhs, B (2016) The Ancient Egyptian Economy: 3000-30 BCE (Cambridge)[Links], Pestman, PW (1983) "L'origine et l'extension d'un manuel de droit gyptien" Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient 26 (1): 14-21[Links], Pollard, E (ed) (1995) The Oxford Large Print Dictionary 2nd ed (Oxford)[Links], Redford, DB (ed) (2001) Oxford Encyclopaedia of Ancient Egypt vol 2 (Oxford)[Links], Sasson, JM (ed) (1995) Civilizations of the Ancient Near East (New York)[Links], Shaw, I & Nicholson, P (2008) The British Museum Dictionary of Ancient Egypt (London)[Links], Shupak, N (1992) "A new source for the study of judiciary and law of ancient Egypt: The tale of the eloquent peasant" Journal of Near Eastern Studies 51 (1): 1-18[Links], Sweeney, D (2002) "'Gender and conversational tactics' in the contendings of Horus and Seth" Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 88 (1): 141-162[Links], Teeter, E (1997) The Presentation of Maat, Ritual and Legitimacy in Ancient Egypt (Michigan)[Links], Teeter, E (2011) Religion and Ritual in Ancient Egypt (Cambridge)[Links], Theodorides, A (1971) "The Concept of Law in Ancient Egypt" in Harris JR (ed) The Legacy of Egypt (Oxford): 291-322[Links], Tobin, V (1987) "Maat and Dike: Some comparative considerations of Egyptian and Greek thought" Journal of American Research Center in Egypt 24: 113-121[Links], Van Blerk, NJ (2006) The Concept of Law and Justice in Ancient Egypt with Specific Reference to the Tale of the Eloquent Peasant (unpublished MA dissertation, University of South Africa)[Links], Van Blerk, NJ (2010) "The manifestation of justice in ancient Egyptian law, with specific reference to the tale of the eloquent peasant" Journal of Semitic Studies 19 (2): 584-598[Links], Versteeg, R (2002) Law in Ancient Egypt (Durham)[Links], Westbrook, R (2003a) "Introduction: The Character of Ancient Near Eastern Law" in Westbrook, R (ed) (2003) A History of Ancient Near Eastern Law vol 1 (Leiden): 1-92[Links], Westbrook, R (ed) (2003b) A History of Ancient Near Eastern Law vol 1 (Leiden)[Links], Westbrook, R (ed) (2003c) A History of Ancient Near Eastern Law vol 2 (Leiden)[Links], Wilkinson, T (ed) (2007) The Egyptian World (London)[Links], Wilkinson, T (2016) Writings from Ancient Egypt (London)[Links]. Click here, to know more. Countries all over the world have strange and weird laws, some very outdated. Disclaimer: We are a private agencythis website is not affiliated with or endorsed by the government of Egypt. When visiting religious sites, it is especially important to be respectful towards Islam, particularly if traveling to Egypt during Ramadan. Forbidden History Unexplained Egypt? The further back in time you go, the more impressive it gets! How is this possible? It should be the other way The most heinous criminals could be judged only by the pharaoh, often with the vizier conducting the investigation and turning to the pharaoh for final judgment. 24 laws you didn't know about in the USA Weird laws in Florida An unmarried woman cannot go skydiving on a Sunday It is illegal to sing while wearing a bathing suit Oral sex is illegal It's illegal to skateboard without a skateboarding license. The vast majority of Egypts dead were buried in simple pits in the desert. That said, it is perfectly possible for members of the LGBTQI community to enjoy a trip to Egypt as long as they do not draw attention to themselves and respect the local Islamic customs. However, it is important to note that there are some restrictions on photography. In Denmark if your vehicle stalls and you leave it on the side of the road, you must mark the vehicle with a red, reflecting triangle. 13 See Allam 2001: 264. But, it is important for those accustomed to viewing the law and legal procedures through the lens of a common law legal system to recognize that there are substantial differences in the way the two systems view and apply law. son home - public displays of affection are illegal -. 44 1971: 291-292. Nevertheless, the most important matters were probably reported to the king, who would then decide on the case and the appropriate justice. The ancient Egyptians therefore employed, alongside the usual legal process, also divine judgement which placed the omniscience of a divinity at the service of judicial proceedings.14. Well, a good law indeed! I mean, it is the law after all. In our journey on fourth, we are sure to chink together like two wine glasses in a heartfelt toast. The history of Egyptian law is longer than that of any other civilization. The ultimate authority in the settlement of disputes was the pharaoh, whose decrees were supreme. Local laws reflect the fact that Egypt is predominantly an Islamic country. If you have a habit to chew gums, dont dare to visit Singapore for a long time since it is illegal to chew gums there. Allam argues that judging from the ancient texts, it appears that the ancient Egyptians had no concept of jurisprudence as a discipline since there is no attestation for theoretical deliberations as the basis of substantive law.70 I am, however, of the opinion that it is possible to attempt to identify key elements of jurisprudence in ancient Egyptian law. 30 Shaw & Nicholson 2008: 178. Or uhm, wrong? British nationals have been arrested for photographing churches, electricity stations, train stations and bridges. This is because Egyptians believe that goals scored in the second half are more valuable than those scored in the first. In Hawaii coins are not allowed to be placed in ones ears. You could try Princess instead! 5. 5 Gahlin 2007: 339. From a legal standpoint, this text-based view of what constitutes law was clearly evident during the period of undeclared martial law immediately after the January 2011 revolution, a period during which the lawincluding the constitutionwas essentially whatever the military said it was. In practice, the two systems actually have much more in common than is often supposed. This location was chosen because it was close to al-Fustat and also because it had been previously inhabited by a Coptic Christian village called Bayt al-Qasr that had been destroyed by Caliph Jafar ibn Abi Talib during his rule over Egypt in 868 CE. For a fee, we provide simplified online forms to facilitate the e-Visa application process. 72 Ibid. Although there are not any explicit LGBT laws in Egypt, it does have a charge for the crime of debauchery. Here, the statutes' exact words are quoted, analysed and obeyed and a legal ruling is justified by referring to the exact wording of the statute. Fireman who serve in action may not have a moustache. Some of the most important Middle Kingdom archives and documents in terms of their legal content are the Lahun archives, the Hekanakhte letters (for leasing and land holdings) and the Djefa-Hapi contracts (mortuary provisions).54 Tomb biographies, like those of Beni Hasan (Twelfth Dynasty), also occasionally have statements referring to legal matters and administration.55 Texts initially written on papyrus were often inscribed on temple or chapel walls, obviously to provide security to the legal document. His word therefore had the force of law and he was also regarded as the primary source of law.25 The king's duty to make laws is summarised in texts by the phrase "putting maat in place of injustice" and, on temple walls, by images of the king presenting the symbol of maat to the gods.26 This scene of the presentation of maat first appears as an iconographic device in the time of Thutmose III, where her effigy was presented to the gods by the king as sustenance.27, The ancient Egyptians believed that only the king knew the requirements of the maat principle and that his laws were identical to the will of the creator god, which was why the king could maintain law and order and why these laws and rulings of the king reflected the world in harmony.28 It was the king's duty towards the gods and the people to maintain maat by means of promulgating law. Which is greater 36 yards 2 feet and 114 feet 2 inch? Being a little thick around the waist could land you in legal trouble in the country that gave us sumo wrestling. . The law in Egypt is very different from western countries. Prostitution is legal, but they must pay taxes. Prince: A common name in Egypt, but also the male equivalent of Unmanned aircraft systems (drones) are prohibited and cannot be imported, produced, or used in Egypt without authorization from the Ministry of Defence. 99 Idem 27. If you believe something to be incorrect, please leave us a message below. The king was the head of the judicial administration, but unfortunately no evidence survives from the Old Kingdom to suggest that the king could hear and decide cases himself.23 The purpose of law in ancient Egypt was to realise maat on earth and the king was the link between law and maat.24Kingship in ancient Egypt therefore effectively represented the effective power of the order of maat. Legal and administrative systems do not appear to have been clearly defined, so that someone in a position of authority may sometimes have made legal judgments. Children and the poor had considerable legal rights, and even slaves were allowed to own property under certain circumstances. Egyptians drive on the right-hand side of the road. Before Greek times, however, it was ultimately the king as the living god who was the supreme judge and legislator. 20 Foods You Can Eat To Have The Best Glow up. The concern was not with the marriage settlement as such, but rather in respect of the disputes that could arise between father-in-law and husband in case the contract was not honoured.81, This is followed by cases regarding immovable property, for example when a person built a dwelling on a plot of land and the title to said land was later claimed by another; the procedure is then described to be applied in order to settle the dispute; and is thereafter followed by a discussion of various disputes among neighbours.82The final texts of the Codex Hermopolis deal with the law of succession and more specifically with the position of the "eldest son" in disputed cases, and it furthermore addresses various actions regarding inheritance.83. If in any doubt about whether any type of photography is legal, it is best to ask for permission. 74 Allam 2007: 268. 106 Westbrook 2003a: 20. There is little public acceptance of homosexuality in Egypt. According to Theodorides65 ancient Egypt does not present an example of the secularisation of law. One example is Tramadol. The city of Cairo was founded by the Fatimid dynasty in 969 CE to be used as its new capital. 104 Idem: 22. If you have some urgent urge to clean your neighbors car, kindly restrict yourself from doing so in Los Angeles, it is illegal.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'twinavocados_com-leader-1','ezslot_4',604,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-twinavocados_com-leader-1-0'); Remember when siblings use to marry each other to keep their bloodline running? A study of ancient Egyptian law should therefore always allow for the close relationship between law and religion. Theodorides affirms that although ancient Egypt did not provide a legal code, the application of law is coherent despite peculiar features of procedure.63 It is important to realise that there was a procedure in existence with laws to govern its use. Egypt's legal system developed in layers over the course of several periods of the country's history, including multiple periods of colonial domination by various foreign powers. International shipment of items may be subject to customs processing and additional charges. However, members of the LGBTQ community traveling to Egypt are advised to be cautious and avoid advertising their presence. Drinking alcohol in the street and anywhere other than a licensed restaurant or bar is not allowed and can lead to arrest. That is just which is in accordance with right.69. There are sensitivities about taking photographs of Embassies, government buildings, churches and religious buildings, as well as infrastructure. Not just in Germany, but also in Mexico, Belgium, the Netherlands, Sweden, and Austria.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'twinavocados_com-mobile-leaderboard-2','ezslot_13',615,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-twinavocados_com-mobile-leaderboard-2-0'); If you like to do kinds of stuff like eating and drinking while driving a car, resist from visiting Cyprus.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'twinavocados_com-narrow-sky-2','ezslot_17',616,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-twinavocados_com-narrow-sky-2-0'); Do all the pooping and peeing before 10 P.M. in Switzerland as flushing after this time is against the law. It stated that no landlord could demand back money owed for booze. Come on! But more specifically, we believe that the title of Overseer of the Six Great Mansions refers to our modern equivalent of a judge. Tutankhamun: A popular one! Its against the law to put your ice cream cone in your pocket. Taking everything thus far said into account, it is my opinion that two very basic and fundamental elements of ancient Egyptian law may be identified and will now be discussed in the following subsections. During the Greek period, Greek law existed alongside Egyptian law, but generally these laws favored the Greeks. Individuals who require prescription drugs for health reasons may be permitted to bring them to Egypt with a medical certificate from their doctor stating the following: Egypt medical device regulations do not affect personal use, but state that foreign nationals providing or marketing medical devices must register them with the Central Administration of Pharmaceutical Affairs (CAPA). 3 The emergence of law in ancient Egypt, The organisation of the legal system in ancient Egypt was governed by religious principles and it was believed that the law had been handed down from the gods to mankind at the time of creation and that the gods were responsible for maintaining the concept of law.11 Egyptian law was based on a common-sense view of right and wrong, following the concept of maat.12, In ancient Egypt, religion has always been significant in terms of legal relations between people.13 This close relationship and interdependency between religion and law had one very important consequence: since the gods were perceived as the guardians and source of the established order, they were consulted for a proper decision in doubtful cases. 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