why do i set off airport body scanners groin

SuziDavis, February 17 header photo courtesy of Ross Parmly via unsplashed. The TSA lady showed me the scan, there were like 5 or 6 dots all showing up around my lower abdomen/groin area. "dateCreated": "2017-06-11T18:26:49+0000", I didn't say anything and just let her do her job but it kinda sucks. links_external: true, In fact, the TSA does allow you to "opt out" of going through the full-body scanner machines. googletag.defineSlot('/15547294/BP_Sidebar_300x125_SR1', [300, 125], 'div-gpt-ad-1492190093745-0').addService(googletag.pubads());googletag.defineSlot('/15547294/BP_Post_468x60_P1', [[468, 60], [320, 100]], 'div-gpt-ad-P1').defineSizeMapping(mappingT1P1).addService(googletag.pubads());googletag.defineSlot('/15547294/BP_Sidebar_125x125_SQ1', [125, 125], 'div-gpt-ad-SQ1').addService(googletag.pubads()); "url": "https://www.bariatricpal.com/profile/319848-oneiannie/" { I\u0027ve only lost 65lbs but I have extra skin on my inner thighs. The next time youre wondering what sets off the TSA body scanner, remember that its looking for weapons, primarily. It was my first time flying since losing weight. "author": { Read More Until people on this site learn to be kind to each other and use their adult words instead of words like "ick" or "icky", I'm out. "url": "https://www.bariatricpal.com/profile/318297-savagegirl/" Underneath, I had a pair of bike shorts, longer than underwear but not long enough to be seen under the dress. Subscribe today! Aww man, guess I better prepare myself bc both of the airports I'll be flying through have those full body scanners!!! .complete .visely-recommendations-container, .visely-recommendations-title.complete { opacity: 1; } Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. "url": "https://www.bariatricpal.com/profile/319983-melissa315/" Medical X-rays can detect drugs inside the body because they penetrate the body and show the outline of the organs and tissues. "url": "https://www.bariatricpal.com/profile/301190-melunruh/" JavaScript is disabled. "author": { Conclusion. How do y'all deal with the pat downs, though? "url": "https://www.bariatricpal.com/profile/317698-gobonn/" X-ray scanners penetrate clothing to create an image of the persons body, allowing them to detect items hidden under clothing or inside the body. "name": "Oneiannie", @media only screen and (min-width: 1024px) { .visely-widget-container:before { content: 'large'; } } In 2018, a man was arrested for trying to bring a knife through a body scanner. "url": "https://www.bariatricpal.com/profile/319848-oneiannie/" $(document).ready(function(){ Oh wow! Find Out Why Gen Z is Falling In Love with this Bronx-Based Rapper, Wednesdays Christina Ricci Opens Up About Mental Health, Motherhood, and Being a 90s Icon: BUST Exclusive Interview, Is Reselling Thrifted Clothing Sustainable or Selfish? The scanners are also designed to detect non-metallic threat items, such as those made out of ceramic materials. ", A pat down is routine in cases where the scanner alerts. It's my "FITspiration" body. Harmless things like lipomas (fatty lumps) or lipodystrophy (abnormal distribution of fat) could also show up on airport scanners. .visely-pagination button { width: 1px; height:1px; outline:none; margin: 7px 7px; border: none; padding: 5px 5px; cursor: pointer; border-radius: 100%; background: #e3e3e3; min-width: 0px;} "dateCreated": "2017-06-07T05:00:12+0000", "url": "https://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/397090-tsa-body-scan-anomaly-after-surgery/?do=findComment\u0026comment=4467239", ceri84, December 2, 2022 The image above shows what a TSA . It's the loose skin because I never wear belts and never have anything in my pockets. Scar tissue may also set off . These could be knives, guns, or explosives. As you can see, the way the system operates is that the TSA agent pushes a pink-for-girls or blue-for-boys binary gender button when a passenger enters the body scanner. You need to be a member in order to leave a comment. She gestured to the video screen which showed the outline of my body with a big yellow box over the crotch. I've read where some have hypothesized it has something to do with the femoral artery and the . What sets off the TSA groin alarm is any metal object in the area that the machine is scanning. googletag.cmd.push(function() { TravelPander.Com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. One time, I just wasn\u0027t thinking and wore a dress that had these little sparkles on it. They keep asking me if I have something in my pockets. A TSA security checkpoint. So I\u0027m just assuming my skin and fat in that area are the reason I was flagged both times. Those are the airports I\u0027ve been through the most. Fly Girl. flights with this same backpack. I always trigger the body scan too. @media screen and (min-width: 1200px) { .visely-widget-container.container.productpage { width: 100% }} Safety measures are in place to make sure it does not expose workers and travelers to high-levels of . "@context": "http://www.schema.org", This includes things like bear spray for your backpacking trip, fire extinguishers, spray paint, cooking spray and even spray starch. }); All you have to do is inform the TSA agent at the checkpoint that you would like to opt out, at which point you will be welcomed into the departure area with a wave and a smile. ShoppGirl I think I made it once ok lol. Revision Weight Loss Surgery Forums (NEW! }, "interactionStatistic": [ I walked through the scanner and immediately set off the alarm. I cannot believe their scanners can pick up large lumps under the skin! if (modifyClass === 'add'){ She was as gentle as she could be, but its still probably going to hurt, unfortunately. googletag.defineSlot('/15547294/BP_Sidebar_300x250_S2', [300, 250], 'div-gpt-ad-S2').addService(googletag.pubads()); Any detail omitted by airport screenersa blurred crotch in the body scan, an untouched groin during the pat-downwill become a loophole exploited by terrorists. Every time I travel with active cysts it goes off and they pat down my groin. Sign up for a new account in our community. Either way, it is important to cooperate with the TSA and follow their instructions in order to ensure a safe and smooth travel experience for everyone involved. } in General Weight Loss Surgery Discussions, By var _d_site = _d_site || '91477E68AE0F3B83C4E72821'; Go now! Keep us posted on your progress. On 5/31/2017 at 10:29 AM, Savagegirl said: I am so thirsty but water makes me nauseous. Most body scanners I have come across while travelling, are the L2 ProVision or L3 ProVision, these machines work by using 2 rotating transmitters that bounce electromagnetic waves through clothing and off the skin of a traveler to detect anomalies (it is not an x-ray and it is completely safe, which is why those with pacemakers or metal . messageDate.setTime(messageDate.getTime() + (126000000)); @-webkit-keyframes fade3 { 0% {opacity: 0;} 5% {opacity: 1;} 35% {opacity: 1;} 40% {opacity: 0;} 100% {opacity: 0;} } No, all TSA body scanners do not use the same technology. This is really common for people losing massive amounts of weight, btw WOW! Anyone else experience this or other things at the airport and suspect it was your extra skin?\n", Hi! On the scanner's screen was an outline of a human body with the groin highlighted. "@type": "Person", Location. // Make hover navigation work with touch devices "image": "https://s.bariatricpal.com/uploads/monthly_2017_12/M_member_301190.png", window.addEventListener('load', function() {viselyForumInit();}); resizeWindow(); "dateCreated": "2017-06-02T22:56:28+0000", I usually answer, no, it\u0027s fat and hanging skin, then stand there for the pat-down. .visely-pagination ul li.active a { background-color: #4c4c4c; } Some security devices use ionizing radiation to scan luggage. I do believe certain airports are more efficient at getting people into the terminal. .ipsLayout_sidebarright .most-popular .visely-recommendations-container > div > div {clear:left;} I never do, and Im a frequent flyer (pre-pandemic) and worked somewhere for 5 years that had me frequently going through metal detectors. $(document).ready(function(){ I had an extensive search over my compound pain medication. Body scanners use low-level electromagnetic waves to create full-body scans of passengers, revealing any hidden objects. It happens to me pretty much all the time (although the airports I\u0027ve been to have those full-body scanners - sounds like the older ones might not do it?). mapProvider: 'none', Contact, what can you see dubai international airport, where can i find an airport in washington dc, where can i smoke a cigarettes at philadelphia airport, how much for uber from pdx airport to hillsboro, what are the airport letters for canada place british columbia airport, which airport do you fly into for lahaina, how much is the parking at new orleans airport, what is the distance between evanston illinois and chicago o'hare airport, where can i park at cleveland airport to purchasea ticket, why does my groin set off airport security. I can\u0027t imagine skin triggering the alert. I had no idea this was even a possibility!! Bandedbut I always tell them I\u0027ve lost over 100 lbs and it\u0027s loose skin, but they pat me down anyway.\n", Orthopedic metals can also set off the alarm, and one study determined that a fair percentage of such travelers were asked to display their scars after being wand-scanned. googletag.defineSlot('/15547294/BP_Header_845x60_HT1', [845, 60], 'div-gpt-ad-HT1').addService(googletag.pubads()); in Food and Nutrition, By But apparently, they cannot. return(number>0?1:-1)*Math.floor(Math.abs(number))};var maxSafeInteger=Math.pow(2,53)-1;var toLength=function(value){var len=toInteger(value);return Math.min(Math.max(len,0),maxSafeInteger)};return function from(arrayLike){var C=this;var items=Object(arrayLike);if(arrayLike==null){throw new TypeError('Array.from requires an array-like object - not null or undefined')} There are a few things that can set off the TSA groin alarm, including metal objects in pockets, underwire in bras, and belts with metal buckles. Today, I learned that your crotch can just light up on the body scanner in the airport for no apparent reason; and when that happens, a thorough pat down of that area will be performed by a confused security officer. She demurred, saying she didn't like . Here are the top best why do i set off airport body scanners groin public topics and compiled by 5 WS team. "text": "I flew for the first time since losing 145lbs. "name": "des_", "@type": "Person", I'll let you know! As I stepped out of the scanner, a TSA agent asked me to step to the side. Today, I learned that your crotch can just light up on the body scanner in the airport for no apparent reason; and when that happens, a thorough pat down of that area will be performed by a confused security officer. I let them know in advance and the agent told me that wasnt what was setting it off and it was my pants, which I know is bullshit because I always set it off no matter what Im wearing. }, 0 ); "interactionType": "http://schema.org/FollowAction", TSA body scanners may be more likely to trigger false alarms if you're black or overweight. Posted June 2, 2017. I do think its bra related, because not all underwires are the same size or width. Lets dig into it and see if we can figure it out. By Lisa Rapaport. In 2011, a womans insulin pump was set off by a body scanner, but she was still able to get through security. event.preventDefault(); When I go through them they randomly flag areas of interest which really aren't - there's nothing there. "text": "No belts or anything of the sort. 3. "postalCode": null, Interestingly, theres talk on the interwebs about whether NuvaRings and menstrual cups are actually visible to airport body scanners, because plenty of modest travelers are worried that the machine can see all the way up their vadges. { Will do my weight taking on Wednesdayto see what I have lost. There's also Secondary Security Screening Selection, noted by the acronym . I guess it's something we have to be prepared for every time we fly unless we have plastic surgery.< br>. As you know now, the scanner could be detecting a medical problem. No piercings, nothing. "text": "I am flying from Phoenix to Chicago in July for my wedding, 4 months post op and I\u0027m currently down 62lbs from pre op \u0026amp; 83lbs since I started my journey last September! New FDA Approved Vyleesi is Not Female ViagraIts Much Worse, The Sex & Pleasure Book: Good Vibrations Guide to Great Sex for Everyone. .visely-recommendation-item .product__image { padding: 5px; position: relative; height: 215px; } The scanner is designed to detect any kind of threat item, regardless of the material it is made out of. No, the alarm is usually set off by something on or near your body, like jewelry, an underwire, or a hair accessory. "@context": "http://schema.org", "name": "Gobonn", Although the officer needed to do a pat-down hand sweep over my waist, it was completely within bounds and appropriate. LOL -- Been patted down with a walking boot when had an Achilles problemso I'll just add this to the list. Contrary to popular belief they cannot see inside body cavities or diagnose disease. { I guess it\u0027s something we have to be prepared for every time we fly unless we have plastic surgery.\u0026lt; br\u0026gt;", { "@type": "WebSite", googletag.defineSlot('/15547294/BP_Header_900x50_U1_Tracking', [1, 1], 'div-gpt-ad-U1-Tracking').addService(googletag.pubads()); What to do: Plan ahead and pack "conformable" liquids in the bags you'll be checking. // http://osvaldas.info/drop-down-navigation-responsive-and-touch-friendly in Gastric Sleeve Surgery Forums, By They had to do a pat down. It\u0027s my \"FITspiration\" body. refreshAds = function(refresh_slots) { 2hats said: It's a millimetre wave scanner not x-ray (well in all European airports anyway). Started 14 hours ago, By Lo and behold, I found those machines can detect cysts, lumps or "raised areas" on the skin! "@type": "InteractionCounter", googletag.defineSlot('/15547294/BP_Sidebar_300x250_S4', [300, 250], 'div-gpt-ad-S4').addService(googletag.pubads()); "pageEnd": 2, "@type": "Person", I went through airport security this morning and, for the first time, through one of those new body scanners. Anything that appears to be protruding from your body is going to look as though youre smuggling something. \n", } googletag.cmd.push(function() { Norfolk. resizeWindow(); }); "author": { "mainEntityOfPage": "https://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/397090-tsa-body-scan-anomaly-after-surgery/" I didn't trigger the alarms when walking through the regular detector, just when I went through the full body scanner where you have to lift you arms over your head. Airport body scanners alert the TSO to threatsmainly weapons such as knives, guns and explosives. omrhsn, February 16 I have smuggled recreational drugs inside me via airplane and ensure that I have no.metal on me. You are using an out of date browser. I usuuuuually remember to just wear wire free bras, but oh man is it a little embarrassing when you get pulled aside and asked if you are wearing a bra. The officer told Olivia that because of something the scanner had detected, a pat-down would be necessary. Id say what you had happen was standard procedure (Ive had this happen at multiple major airports across the country). "url": "https://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/397090-tsa-body-scan-anomaly-after-surgery/?do=findComment\u0026comment=4469389", Height: 5 feet 10 inches. I lit it up like the Fourth or July! }, }, var CKEDITOR_BASEPATH = '//www.bariatricpal.com/applications/core/interface/ckeditor/ckeditor/'; It's called Advanced Imaging Technology or AIT. ips.setSetting( 'ipb_url_filter_option', jQuery.parseJSON('"none"') ); Consensus has been that it is not the staples because they are very tiny and would not trigger scan. "url": "https://www.bariatricpal.com/", message_imgURL: "", Since that has happened to me every single time I travel, I decided to do some research on why I set it off for "no reason". FML "Sir no hard objects can be carried on the plane..". They did not give me the option to go back through the machine or leave the airport, they said I was required to do the search. Millimeter wave scanners do not penetrate the skin, but can detect items hidden under clothing. I\u0027m really nervous about being stopped at security like this!! . }, "url": "https://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/397090-tsa-body-scan-anomaly-after-surgery/?do=findComment\u0026comment=4471281", ", "A TSA agent in another room will see an image of your body that could include a revealing look at your entire body, including breasts, genitals, buttocks, and external medical devices.". }, 3, 2019. I set off the TSA's groin alarm after going through one of the full body scanners (in which you lift your arms and spread your legs apart to be scanned). Then I have to submit to the patdown. They are designed to detect "metallic and nonmetallic threat items," according to the TSA. If you set off the scanner during the screening process, you might be causing false alarms due to piercing, body jewelry, implants, or medical devices on you like pacemakers, braces, pant zip, watch, or even hairpins. }, googletag.enableServices(); The TSA lady showed me the scan, there were like 5 or 6 dots all showing up around my lower abdomen/groin area. "@type": "Comment", memberID: 0, mappingT1P1 = googletag.sizeMapping().addSize([1024, 768], [468, 60]).addSize([980, 690], [468, 60]).addSize([640, 480], [320, 100]).addSize([0, 0], [320, 100]).build(); } Appendicitis can also be rulled out by the XRay, although, a blood test should be ordered to test for higher than normal enzymes (resulting from the infected organ) An Xray will show . Thanks for posting about this! I opted for a private screening with the presence of my travel companion and an additional TSA agent and experienced a rubdown and patting of my waist, crotch, and buttocks, after which they tested me and their gloves for residue. 4. I usually answer, no, it's fat and hanging skin, then stand there for the pat-down. "item": { "mainEntityOfPage": "https://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/397090-tsa-body-scan-anomaly-after-surgery/" "name": "Nina K", Weight Lost: 160 lbs. ips.setSetting( 'totalWeightLost', jQuery.parseJSON('5722605') ); But anything that can "conform to the shape of its container," such as cold cream, toothpaste, or, yes, peanut butter, can upset the swift flow of the security line. "text": "I had no idea this was even a possibility!! "image": "https://s.bariatricpal.com/uploads/monthly_2017_03/croc-4.thumb.png.09c597820ece8d8b6b34b946b72f223f.png", They are designed to detect "metallic and nonmetallic threat items," according to the TSA . "text": "Good to know. Both types of scanners are effective at detecting items that may be a threat to security. In 2014, a man was arrested for trying to bring a bomb through a body scanner. I had surgery in Mexico with ALO Baratrics & Dr Lopez on February 9th. k+=1}A.length=len;return A}}())} I think the only way to assure it'll never happen is to have plastic surgery. Started 20 hours ago, By "userInteractionCount": 16 So I'm just assuming my skin and fat in that area are the reason I was flagged both times. ], There's probably a few other factors that bump up your chance of getting an extra search - travelling alone, route, single ticket, maybe being a man? { The lady waiting on the other side gestured me towards her and asked about my knees, and really, they showed up yellow on the scan, one slightly more so than the other. "@type": "Comment", Protein shakes make me nauseous and that's wreaking havoc on my skin, I'm starting to regret surgery a little bit. function debounce(func, wait, immediate) { var timeout; return function() { var context = this, args = arguments; var later = function() { timeout = null; if (!immediate) func.apply(context, args); }; var callNow = immediate && !timeout; clearTimeout(timeout); timeout = setTimeout(later, wait); if (callNow) func.apply(context, args); }; }; TSA airport body scanner may be more likely to produce false alarms against . The alarm is not specific to the groin area, but is simply located there on the paper doll image for the convenience of the TSA agent. I always, always trigger an alert in the body scan machine at the airport. "name": "BariatricPal", If you have a metal implant in your groin, the TSA may be able to detect it during a pat-down search. This article originally appeared in the September/October 2019 print edition of BUST Magazine. "url": "https://www.bariatricpal.com/", So, if youre ever wondering why the TSA agent is giving you a funny look after youve passed through the body scanner, its probably because the machine detected something in your pants pocket. googletag.defineSlot('/15547294/BP_Sidebar_125x125_SQ4', [125, 125], 'div-gpt-ad-SQ4').addService(googletag.pubads());googletag.defineSlot('/15547294/BP_Sidebar_300x250_S1', [300, 250], 'div-gpt-ad-S1').addService(googletag.pubads()); Thank you! ("ontouchstart"in t)&&!navigator.msMaxTouchPoints&&!navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().match(/windows phone os 7/i))return false;this.each(function(){var t=false;e(this).on("click",function(n){var r=e(this);if(r[0]!=t[0]){n.preventDefault();t=r}});e(n).on("click touchstart MSPointerDown",function(n){var r=true,i=e(n.target).parents();for(var s=0;s