worst days on taxotere

If you experience nausea, lack of appetite, or other eating problems, discuss solutions with your doctor or nurse navigator. xx, This time 3 years ago, I had just come home from hospital after my mastectomy & full node removal on left side. I did not start feeling better until the 5 or 6th day after chemo. some were bad and some were tolerable plus i also had insomnia because of the steriods.Tell Donna to hang in thereand good luck to you Bob! Xx, Thanks Berylynn. The taste improved just before the next treatment. Overall I did find the T harder than Fec but others say they found it the other way around so it's just pot luck really. This is usually mild to moderate and I find that most patients are able to continue many of their regular activities. The ASCO Genitourinary (GU) Cancers Symposium, which ended on February 18, 2023, was a three-day scientific and educational meeting designed to provide attendees with in-depth, multidisciplinary analysis of the timely topics in the study, diagnosis, and treatment of GU malignancies. This typically begins two to three weeks after treatment starts. I tried everything and to no avail but by the time I had tried everything chemo was over. MYTH #6: I'll permanently lose all my hair after chemo. Ranking the Cowboys backup QB options from worst to best. 01-06-2015 02:21. * To protect your identity do not use your full name. My doctors have been very good and have assured me that they caught it early. Some chemotherapy medications can cause neuropathy (numbness or tingling in your hands and feet). I spent a week in hospital after the 3rd Taxotere + radiotherapy. Thanks everyone for your messages of support. Docetaxel can cause a dose-related reversible sensory neuropathy. I will watch out for you and we can support each other. I shall follow your journey with hope and healing. His consultant advised small walks to begin the process of getting the muscles going (started with walking up and down our lounge before he managed the outside!! Hopefully this will work out and spare me the ordeal of last time. I got off lightly on the 4 AC, only had a couple of very bad days each cycle. You may notice chills, a sore throat, achiness, and swollen glands and lymph nodes. I have finished 4 cycles so far with 4 more to go. Signs of a reaction can include: feeling hot or flushed shivering itching a skin rash feeling dizzy a headache feeling breathless or wheezy swelling of your face or mouth pain in your back, tummy or chest. Avoid any food that you think smells or tastes bad. The Docetaxel/Taxotere is the drug causing this nasty side effect. Do not floss or use toothpicks and use a soft-bristle toothbrush to brush your teeth. Last reply: 8 years ago. I am a small women (112 lbs. xx. I had constipation, diarrhea so bizarrely both, and then the nausea. My tumour is responding well as confirmed by a recent MRI between cycle 3 and 4 so I need to continue to hopefully get through these last two cycles. pathology report has our Onc ordering additional scans. I often feel like it's too much and want to give in. Take care and best of luck with your next cycle. I was diagnosed with grade 3 breast cancer in may. I struggle to drink which I know makes things worse. However, our monthly flat rate of just $49 per medication . You should let your doctor or nurse know if you experience any shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, or pain in your chest. Weekly taxol : which days will be worst. It's now a week since my 1st cycle of Docetaxel following 3 cycles of FEC, it has been a dreadful week where the treatment has thrown back every side effect possible. In some people, the symptoms slowly resolve after the medication is stopped, but for some, it never goes away completely. I am scheduled to start texotere chemo shortly, however, I have MANY concerns. worst: [adverb] to the extreme degree of badness or inferiority. You could talk to your doctor about your concerns and see if they can give you a lower dose if necessary?They also have pills for most things-I was told that they could probably help with everything but the tiredness. She is on this dose denseShe is on this dose dense regiment; every two weeks; 4 rounds of AC followed by 4 rounds of Taxol (and I think it's five day after Nuelasta shots). Docetaxel is given by intravenous (IV, into a vein) infusion, usually over an hour. Thinking of you and your family, best wishes. Can eat, not been sick, not taken antisickness meds, but nausia with ukky taste but poor sleep got worse. I don't think you have "gone wrong" anywhere, more that T has hit you hard and you would like to be in a better place for the next 2. Get the B**tard out for good! I am trying to keep focused and positive to get through this. xx, I'm with you on this I was the same didn't think I could go on but you do, I'm all done & back to work & back to normal (as normal as can be) good luck keep strong , Thank you for sharing your experience it help me know that it can be done. Patients were treated in weeks 1, 3, and 5 with doxorubicin 20 mg/m2 as a 24-hour intravenous infusion on the first day of every week in combination with ketoconazole 400 mg orally 3 times a day daily for 7 days. I had two medications, Gemcitabine and a combination of Gemcitabine and Taxotere. Avoid contact sports and activities that can result in injury or bleeding. I've had all three FEC sessions and coped really well and was positive and active. Progression-free survival was 2-3 months for both groups. Make sure that those around you understand that while the pain peaks, you need absolute rest. I need to focus on this and get back on track. In the larger STAMPEDE trial (2962 patients), adding docetaxel to standard hormonal therapy significantly improved survival among men with newly diagnosed, hormone-nave advanced prostate cancer. - currently getting pumped of the lovely docetaxel! The use of scarves, wigs, hats, and hairpieces may help. So my advice is dont be scared to ring the chemo hotline, they know what to advise and whether or not you should go in.. Thank you, hope you continue to be well. Actual exercise. (Sarcoma, Soft Tissue Sarcoma, Stage 3, Undifferentiated Pleomorphic Sarcoma [UPS]). I haven't been able to do anything. Each course of chemotherapy lasts for 8 weeks. It is very frustrating when you just want to get on with life but he was advised to 'listen to what his body was saying and act accordingly' on an hour to hour basis if necessary. x. I had the same treatment last year and just as you I struggled with Fec but my first T absolutely knocked me side ways! If the platelet count becomes too low, you may receive a transfusion of platelets. I was prescribed preventative FEC-T but because I was getting married and honeymooning in July, they decided to do the Taxotere first and cycle 3 was combined with my whole radiotherapy treatment. 5 year old not there yet. Know that you are two thirds of the way there. None worked. While we were driving home - it's a nice, sunny, fairly warm day - Moopy observed that getting out was a reminder of what our life will be like again. Cycle 1 was not too bad - aching legs and joints, lost toe and fingernails, numness in toes, soles of feet and fingertips, sore mouth (had to eat and drink through a straw) and nausea. I am definitely not one of those people who gain weight due to chemo. Any comments, please. If you feel unwell or have any of these signs, tell them straight away. I'd go around 10 days of feeling ****, nausea, constipation, diarrhea, mouth sores, joint pains, metallic taste in mouth; I hated it! worst daysfor me it was the week after the infusion..I just fall apart.tired, ache, intestinal issuesetc. It interferes with the growth of cancer cells, which are eventually destroyed by the body. I had infusions every 21 days. They can help you decide what will work best for you. TC. I had my 2nd cycle of Docetaxel yesterday. Humor can also lessen anxiety and discomfort, allowing cancer patients to talk more openly about their concerns and fears. We have each other even if we don't know each other. Best wishes for continued good health. Do not cut cuticles or ingrown nails. I was diagnosed in August with Breast cancer. I have just had 4 cycles of FEC and other than the 3rd one, coped OK and carried on working a combination of at home and in work on my good week. Then I will start on radiotherapy. Avoid things that may worsen the symptoms, such as heavy or greasy/fatty, spicy or acidic foods (lemons, tomatoes, oranges). My husband has booked a cottage break in July to hopefully celebrate the end of chemo before my surgery. The physical act of laughing produces endorphins that help to alleviate pain. However on week 3 of the cycle got more or less back to normal before the next onslaught. Do not apply anything to the site unless instructed by your care team. The drug can cause tear duct closures which can cause permanent tearing. In fact, Taxol is the top-selling cancer drug worldwide. Avoid the sun between 10-2 pm, when it is strongest. Patients may struggle with never-ending itchiness, swollen eyelids, and an increase in floaters. They might also encounter infections and inflammatory disorders as a result. Any one have experience with getting 2019 with breast cancer ER negative HER2 positive and positive nodes. Copyright 2000-2022 Cancer Survivors Network. I wish you the best with these meds. Remember your hair helps keep you warm in cold weather, so a hat is particularly important in cold weather or to protect you from the sun. The cycles were repeated every 3 weeks for 3 . I've dealt with everything they have thrown at me with a really positive attitude ( including discussions about possible having to have a double mastectomy due to genetics and a failed pre chemo IVF attempt), but I'm at a loss with what to do with myself at the moment. Repeat cycle every 3 week. In the adjuvant treatment of operable node-positive breast cancer, the recommended TAXOTERE dose is 75 mg/m2 administered 1-hour after doxorubicin 50 mg/m2 and cyclophosphamide 500 mg/m2 every 3 weeks for 6 courses. Last injection today. But guess what? This may vary depending on whether the number of blood cells has returned to normal between each cycle. Brush with a soft-bristle toothbrush or cotton swab twice a day. The ResMed machine is a medical device used to treat sleep apnea, a condition that causes pauses in breathing during Obstructive sleep apnea is a sleep condition in which a person's airway is obstructed during sleep, resulting in shallow breathing Dry eye is a common condition that can range from minor irritation to severe discomfort. Do not eat grapefruit or drink grapefruit juice during the 2 days before, the day of, and two days after each dose. Leg pain also bad tonight, I am on day 5 after first Taxotere chemo so I suppose it's working at its height at the moment, hope it gets better in the coming days! This is known as a cycle. I completely avoided this by doing a few things (recommended by American and French oncologists, and also by many girls who have had the courage to try these things). Since the growth of normal cells may also be affected by docetaxel, other unwanted effects will also occur. Your fingernails/toenails may become dark, brittle or fall off. Cycle 1 was not too bad - aching legs and joints, lost toe and fingernails, numness in toes, soles of feet and fingertips, sore mouth (had to eat and drink through a straw) and nausea. Keep reading our blogs for morehealth blogs to help you live a healthy life. Do not use a razor (an electric razor is fine). If your mouth becomes dry, eat moist foods, drink plenty of fluids (6-8 glasses), and suck on sugarless hard candy. Need to get myself prepared for the next one. My doctor did reduce the docetaxen for me after the first one e and it made a difference, My advise is phone your doctor or key worker and ask if them if they can reduce the doseage. You should not breastfeed while receiving this medication or for 1 week after your last dose. In some ways was easier, in others was more taxing (pun intended)! Your doctor may prescribe medication to take before your treatment to help decrease the risk of edema. Plan times to rest during the day and conserve energy for more important activities. x, Dolbycat,I was exactly like you,I couldn't eat and was constantly retching at the sight or smell of food,and was also bad with aches like you,sorry to say the eating thing didn't get any easier during my 4 cycles of docetaxl but the aches got easier with the help of ibuprofen and paracetomol but you have to be vigilant and take them regular basis.I would say just make some nutritional soups and eat them but don't expect to enjoy your food for a while.Just resign yourself to the fact that you need to have the poison to kill the cancer and you have to take food even if you can't face it.It does end,I know how you feel,I was exactly the same ,felt like giving up.Ask for plenty of help and keep drinking water.Stay strong,luv Vicky.x, Thank you for helping me to understand. Xx, Hope you are all feeling well and happy. Then I had actual vomiting, first time ever, because the medications have upset my stomach. Some common Taxotere side effects include: vomiting nausea loss of appetite constipation diarrhea injection site reactions (redness, pain, or swelling) So she then got a lumpectomy. Ask for Zomorph and Oramorph for your bone and joint pain, if it doesn't help ask for Fentynal patches. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice. I was diagnosed in Feb 2013 and had a rt mastectomy op in March. Try to eat five or six small meals or snacks throughout the day, instead of 3 larger meals. Performing regular mouth care can help prevent or manage mouth sores. for use in the treatment of prostate cancer in the year 2004. By 2010, the drug had . Taxotere was my aggressive chemo, and it caused the majority of the side effects the hair loss, nausea, all these different things. I know what to expect now and feel better prepared for chemo cycle 5, 2nd of Docetaxel . Thanks for being such a grand support for her. TC ( Taxotere and cyclophosphamide) is a common chemotherapy regimen given for localized breast cancers that require chemotherapy. I do have to rest far more than I used to, although I manage to cope with a busy full time job. So I queried the need for the remaining 2 docetaxel. Try to get up and about rather than stay in bed - it was better for me to keep as active as I could and just didn't do anything at all on the really low days. I have been doing research and have learned of some pretty serious side, i.e., mouth sores, possible stroke or heart attack, loss of hair, I think one person even said they'd lost a toe! We started working from home the week after the infusion. Bored with food, inspite of adding fruit after my steroid sugar ban. i have been lucky to have good support but the weakness in my legs and arms and neck, have been bad and still are two weeks later I feel my body just wants to colapse when I get to the sink to try to do the dishes, so I have to sit down and wait until I feel better. Keep reading to learn more about what to expect on your worst days on Taxotere. I feel less guilty doing nothing for a fortnight if others the same sofa days do seem to be extended. Taxotere Chemo: April 29 2010 May 20 2010 June 10 2010 July 1 2010. xxx. constipation. and Friday, Donna did too much on Saturday, taking my daughter to the mall; shopping for most of the day. Let your oncology care team know if you have any excess bruising or bleeding, including nose bleeds, bleeding gums or blood in your urine or stool. In the beginning the changes in taste and nausea started about day 4 and lasted about 1 week. After that, I have been okay - really tired and nothing tastes good so I am not eating well - but I learned from my first course of chemo that ended in April that I need to sleep when I am tired, so sometimes when I get home from work, I go right to sleep. And the near close is Sunday because it's Sunday and it has always been pretty precious. 10 year old is self sufficient. Shower or bathe daily and perform frequent. I have at times reached my lowest and questioned if I can continue to put my body through this poison. Protein helped and exercise helped me. Patients may struggle with never-ending itchiness, swollen eyelids, and an increase in "floaters." Drink 8-10 glasses of non-alcoholic, un-caffeinated fluid a day to prevent dehydration. I had the sore mouth too but I must have been one if the lucky ones as I do not remember too many other side effects - it was 7 years ago. The prospect of 12 weekly taxol is a bit daunting. All that said, she was down for a mastectomy too, except, the docetaxel absolutely obliterated the cancer. These are some of the most common or important side effects: Allergic reactions are possible with this medication. Use seasonings like basil, oregano, or rosemary to add flavor. Taxotere injections can cause your white blood cell levels to plummet. for me it was the 4th and 5th daysi had my first AC on June 10 (a Thursday), and the worst days for me were Sunday and Monday. Hope you are keeping well. For some people, it never completely goes away. And it may even boost our immune systems. It takes the edge off the pain which means taking paracetamol with it actually works. Please consult with your healthcare team regarding the use of these agents and all over the counter medications/supplements while on therapy. I had the first T on Wednesday, was too sick to work come Monday, even worse come Thursday and in Hospital with Sepsis come Friday! The problem is that it can affect the reproduction of other cells in your body, like hair follicles. Eyes watery but ok. Drank gallons of water to try and flush it out. You may wear nail polish, but not fake nails. Operation will be 4 weeks after my last dose. But I'm on SSP and we can't afford to have him stay at home every time I feel ****. Any suggestions for the pain? Its normal to feel completely wiped out when you begin this medication. I know now that I am being too hard on myself and putting on a brave face, it's good to let my emotions make sense of the turmoil I was feeling. It was tough going, but I got there. Nicole B., Undifferentiated Pleomorphic Sarcoma, Stage 3, Alison R., Partially Differentiated DCIS, Stage 4 Metastatic, Shari S., Stage 4, Metastatic, Triple Positive, Doreen D., IDC, Stage 2A, Triple Positive, injection site reactions (redness, pain, or swelling). My next 2 cycles went ok so, hopefully you are through the worst. You make a good point about teeth, my whole jaw and mouth was aching and was feeling on edge, I have lots of mouth meds to help protect them but need to be vigilant. It was neoadjuvant chemotherapy, including Taxanes (Taxotere), Carboplatin, and Trastuzumab (Herceptin). Effective birth control is necessary during treatment and for 2 months after treatmentfor women. For instance, they may continue to work, spend time with family, and exercise. Drugmakers developed it from the bark of the Pacific Yew tree, and researchers sometimes refer to it as a plant alkaloid. The 3rd week I just start to feel normal.and then whoops, time for another infusion to start the cycle. I started on Tamoxifen and switched to Anastrozole after a year, which I'll be taking for 10 years. But by the sound of it a lot of you needed that third week to recover, she won't have that. Taxotere is a mitotic inhibitor that interferes with your bodys cell division process. The effects of chemo are cumulative. Youre coming back off. Sore throat, swallowing, that was usually first couple of days then I started using Biotene (mouthwash)the day before chemo, the day of chemo, and the day after, and I didnt have any issues with that after at all. xoxoxoxo Lynn. I had cisplatin , taxotere and the neulastra shot and really hurt the 1st infusion but not the others after starting the clariton. Stay well hydrated. Platelets help your blood clot, so when the count is low you are at a higher risk of bleeding. It happens most often in the legs and feet, but it isnt unusual to see swelling in the hands, arms, and abdomen. That seems to help me. I have to agree, as much as I dont want to get off the couch.. Peripheral neuropathy is a toxicity that affects the nerves. My kids are 10 and 5. The interval between each treatment gives your body time to recover. Docetaxel is normally given once every three weeks, over about one hour. The Herceptin I will take until December 2013. Best wishes to everyone on this treatment and you will come out the other side. White blood cells (WBC) are important for fighting infection. Knowing How to Handle Your Worst Days on Taxotere. TAXOTERE (docetaxel) Injection Concentrate is a clear yellow to brownish-yellow viscous solution. Eating a healthy diet helps you deal with side effects and fight infections. Only better during the third week. Your hair may become thin, brittle, or may fall out. My experience was that how I felt after my following treatments was similar to my reaction after the first treatment. If mouth sores become painful, your doctor or nurse can recommend a pain reliever. I thought I would need to have it for three weeks but they have said 5 days as new research has shown that it works just as well as the three weeks. A swift and successful op was followed by FEC-T chemo. Gone too far now to stop just need to finish the course. Exercise can help combat fatigue; a simple daily walk with a friend can help. Please. It won't be long until you to are in a position to help others with your experiences of the journey we all find ourselves on. Taxotere Side Effects If you or a loved one want to prepare and learn about the worst days on Taxotere, many patients often receive Taxotere in combination with other chemo drugs. Fatigue. Fatigue is very common during cancer treatment and is an overwhelming feeling of exhaustion that is not usually relieved by rest. Cyclophosphamide is a type of chemotherapy medicine . There is a risk that this medication may leak out of the vein at the injection site, resulting in tissue damage that can be severe. Docetaxel belongs to the group of medicines called antineoplastics (cancer medicines). Then starting in June 2014, I had 15 doses of Radiotherapy. Your healthcare provider can recommend medications and other strategies to help relieve pain. Hi, I had my 1st infusion of Taxotere on Monday. I think I am over the worst of the bone aches but the stomach cramps, nausia and erratic bowels throw up a whole new situation. How many treatments is she having? Nutrition is an important part of your care. You won't be up to doing anything. Week Three was Im actually feeling pretty good and then you go right back to Week One. Except she would always end up in hospital as her temp would spike along with the joint pains. Severe symptoms are less common but require dose modifications. I had the FEC-T chemo first, from December 2013 to April 2014. Most of the hard work is done, you just need to push a little harder to finish the race! The content on this site is for informational purposes only. It's horrid and depressing. The most common chemotherapy drug for prostate cancer is docetaxel (Taxotere), which is usually given with prednisone, a steroid medicine. We can do itnot sure how but we are two thirds there. We think its important to know what you might expect on your worst days on Taxotere. Docetaxel interferes with the function of microtubules, resulting in inactive microtubule bundles, causing cells to die. Hi, not sure if my experiences will help you. HI Multitasker! Signs of a reaction can include: shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, swelling of the face, lips, tongue or throat, trouble swallowing, chest pain, rash, flushing, hives or itching or a decrease in blood pressure. The only things I could taste were sweets. As she feels better, your wife will realize that she CAN do it. 2.6 Premedication Regimen. Foods high in soluble fiber include: applesauce, bananas (ripe), canned fruit, orange sections, boiled potatoes, white rice, products made with white flour, oatmeal, cream of rice, cream of wheat, and farina. The one time I threw up was after my second round. Common side effects of Tax are bone aches and pains, sore mouth/mouth ulcers, oral thrush, loss of taste. Bacon, ham, and onion can add flavor to vegetables. due my third and and final Doxetacel next week, I am dreading it as it has taken me a whole 2 weeks to recover and I am still exhausted by 4pm!! I was advised to take paracetamol (or cocodamol if you can bear it) and ibuprofen together every 4 hours from the third day after you have the chemo until the pain eases off, which for me was about day 10. I felt after my last dose, first time ever, because the medications have upset my stomach Concentrate a. 10 years that third week to recover, she wo n't have that, our monthly rate... To try and flush it worst days on taxotere and positive to get myself prepared for cycle! Agents and all over the counter medications/supplements while on therapy will come out the side! Eat five or six small meals or snacks throughout the day, instead of 3 larger.. 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